Chapter 5

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Cassie’s P.O.V:

Once Austin leaves I walk upstairs to see my dad enraged and stumbling over his own feet. “Yes Dad?” I say this with fright in my voice and he says “Get your ass over here.” I walk over to him with hesitation. As soon as I walk within an arm’s length away from him he smacks me to the ground. “If you leave the house with what you had on today you are going get more than that now get me another beer and cook dinner!” I stand up wiping the tears off my face and walk into the kitchen and grab him a beer handing it to him and I walk back into the kitchen putting a pizza into the oven and walking back down the stairs to my room. I walk past my mirror and already see my eye turning purple and swelling up. I sit down and start to cry and I grab my scissors and start to slice my wrists until crimson red blood starts running down my arms. I sit against the wall and bite my lip as I grab a long sleeve and put it on after the blood stops. I walk back upstairs like nothing happened handing my dad his plate and then I see him. I fight back tears when he smiles at me “Hey Cassie, you are looking very pretty.” I nod and I run up to the bathroom and slam the door hearing muffling “CASSIE SLAM THAT FUCKING DOOR AGAIN!” and “Calm down she is a good girl.” ‘Why is he here? I am already messed up now he is back.  Cassie you have to leave before he hurts you again. You have to leave before he tries to have his way with you again,’ my mind is saying to me and when it said that I felt sick to my stomach even though I didn’t eat anything today but I crawl over to the toilet and shove my finger down my throat until I start throwing up and then start dry heaving when my stomach is fully empty. I sit down against the wall crying and biting my lip. I stand up peeling off my clothes and turning the shower all the way on until I see steam pouring out the shower. I stand there under the water crying, covering my mouth so no one hears my crying and I grab the soap and a wash cloth and I start scrubbing my skin until my skin is raw. I turn the water off and I get out the shower and stand there looking at myself in the mirror thinking ‘no one wants you. You are ugly, fat, and worthless and no one would care if you ended your life right now.’  I wipe a tear off my cheek and I get dressed walking back down the stairs where I see him standing there talking to Dad. I walk passed him and I feel him touch my ass and I bite my lip scared and I walk downstairs to my room climbing into my bed, grabbing my phone. I see it is only 10 PM so I text Austin.

I need your help. Please come over. Come through the basement door and hurry.’

I press send and lay my phone on the bed, bringing my knees to my chest and starting to cry.

Austin’s P.O.V:

Once I left Cassie’s house I was terrified something happened to her so I kept my phone close just in case she texted me. Hours passed and I tried to keep myself occupied so I didn’t worry that much. I was lying in my bed playing Call of Duty: Ghost when I felt my phone vibrate. All I see in the text was I need help and I was up grabbing a shirt and my keys and walking out the house. I get into the car and speed down the road towards the small apartment I left earlier. When I pull up I hear yelling and I walk down towards the basement door that she told me to come through. I knock lightly and a small girl appears and I see a dark circle appearing under her eye. I feel anger burning through my veins and I walk in and I pick her up in my arms and walk her towards her bed where she climbs into the giant bed and I kick my shoes off climbing up beside with her. “What happened Cassie?” I say holding her in my arms running my fingers through her hair. “H-H-He smacked me when you left because of the outfit I wore today.” She starts to cry into my shirt and I feel it dampening it and I don’t really care at this moment. “Then that old bastard came into the house and touched me.” I was confused, “Who Cass?”  “Josh, he is one of my dad’s friends who touched me when I was little.” My heart broke for her and I understood why she was so scared of guys. “Cassie, he will never touch you again because I am here now.” She nods and nuzzles her head onto my chest and I feel her breathing slowing down as she fell to sleep. I look down at her and see fresh marks on her wrists and I feel a tear running down my cheek. I whisper “God please help me. I understand you want her up there with you but I need her down here with me.” I bite my lip and nuzzle my cheek into her soft hair as I fall asleep with her in my lap. The next morning I wake up and my arms feel empty as I see her walking across the floor getting ready.  “Good morning beautiful,” I say as I climb out of the bed and I see her trying to cover the purple mark under her eye. I walk behind her and I wrap my arms around her waist. “I am here for you Cassie. I don’t think you should drive today. Let me drive you today.” She just nods as I put my shoes on and I fix my hair and sit down waiting for her to finish getting dressed. When she is done she looks like a model. She is wearing a pair of tight jeans and a long sleeve blouse with her hair up in a sock bun and her makeup perfect. I smile when I see her “wow you are perfect,” I say in complete awe. “I am definitely far from perfect,” she says as we walk up the stairs to the living room. She grabs her book bag and we walk out the door to my car and she sits beside me and we drive to school.

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