Chapter 7

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Cassie’s P.O.V:

He is chasing me down the steps towards my room. “Please leave me alone,” I say with continuous tears running down my cheeks as he pushes me against the wall. “HELP!” I say screaming but knowing no one was here so I just stand there continuing to cry and saying stop please stop. He pulls my pajamas off and I know what he is going to do now. I try and kick him but he has my legs pinned to the wall. “Mm...Finally I get you again Cassie,” he says as he starts to have his way with me.’

I wake up in a cold sweat and start crying and I am startled when I notice and remember that Austin is in the bed with me. I stand up and get out of the bed and slide down my door as I continue to cry. I cover my mouth so I don’t wake up Austin. I hear him moving around and he sits up and says “What’s wrong Cass?” I just sit there in silence and he gets up and walks to me and picks me up bride style and I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face into his chest. “I saw him. He was in my dream and you weren’t there,” I say as a continuous flow of tears continue to run down my cheeks. “Oh my god Cassie, I will always be here for you, no matter what. I promise. He will never ever hurt you again I promise that,” he says as we lay back down in the bed and I feel really dirty and my stomach is starting to hurt a lot so I jump out of the bed and run up to the bathroom and drop to my knees and start to get sick. I sit there crying until I was startled by a knock on the door. “I’m in here,” I say as I try to make it sound like I wasn’t crying. “Cassie open the door please,” Austin says and I stand up and walk over to the door and open it and allow him inside. I stand there and he opens his arms and I walk over to them and he wraps his arms around me in an embrace. “Cassie don’t worry, I am here for you. I am never leaving.” That is all I hear before I fall asleep right there in his arms.

Austin’s P.O.V:

I woke up last night in the middle of the nigh and Cassie wasn’t in the bed so I sat up and I saw her sitting on the floor against her door scared and crying. “I saw him. He was in my dream and you weren’t there,” she mumbled and my heart was breaking because I know I can’t save and protect her from her own mind. I get off the bed and tell her that I will always be there and he will never hurt her again. Then she got up quickly running up the stairs towards the bathroom I was guessing. I sat there running my fingers through my hair for a while then after about 20 minutes I walked upstairs to the bathroom, very quietly, and knocked on the door. She says “I’m in here,” and based on her tone I can tell she is crying. After I tell her it is me she opens the door and there she is standing there with very red and puffy eyes. I just open my arms and she walks to there as I pull her into an embrace that I didn’t want her to leave. I heard her sniffling and then after a while of us standing there I heard her breathing calming so I pick her up and walk her downstairs and lay her in the bed. I sit there watching her as she sleeps because I want to be awake if she has another bad dream.  I sit there watching her as she starts to move in the bed beside me. I run my fingers through her hair trying to calm her.  She calms as she continues to sleep and after a while my eyes start to get sleepy so I lay down beside as she entangles our legs together making sure I can’t go anywhere and we fall asleep.

The next morning we wake up around 10:30 and she sits up with her hair in a messy bun as I smile at her and give her a kiss. “Good morning gorgeous,” I say as she stretches and starts to wake up. “Morning,” is all she says as she climbs out of bed pulling her hair out of her hair bow as she fixes it and puts it back into a pony tail. I get up walk across the floor to her and wrap my arms around her and she looks back at me and gives me a small smile. “I’m sorry about last night,” she says as she looks down at the floor.

“Don’t worry about it Cassie I definitely didn’t mind protecting you and saving you because that is why I am here.” I smile as I kiss her forehead and she wraps her arms around me and hugs me laying her head on my chest. “You came into my life and now everything is getting better, somewhat.” I hear her say as her face is nuzzled into my chest. She looks up at me and smiles, “So pretty boy, what do you want to do today because I don’t want to be stuck in this house all day with those fuckers so let’s go somewhere.”  I smile at her and I laugh and look into her eyes and say “Whatever you want to do today gorgeous and I mean anything.” She gets a big smile on her face and says “Can we go to the beach?” I nod my head yes as she starts to get giddy and giggly. I laugh and I wonder why she is so happy because really it is only the beach.  “You can go home and get ready because I don’t want Dad coming home for his lunch break and see some guy in our shower,” she says and I nod my head okay and I give her a kiss and slide my jeans back on as I put my shoes on and walk out the basement door towards my car.

Cassie’s P.O.V:

“Can we go to the beach?” I said hoping Austin will say yes. He just nods his head yes and I start to get very happy because I have never been to the beach and I live in Florida for Christ sake’s. I tell him he should go home and get ready because I know on Saturday’s Dad comes home for lunch so he says okay and he is off and I run upstairs to take a quick shower. I walk back down to my room in a towel around my head and my body. I pull the towel off my head and run my fingers through my wet curly hair. I grab my bikini that I haven’t worn yet because my mom bought it and never took me anywhere where I could wear it. So I slide the bottoms off and put the top on as I hear the front door open and close. I slide a pair of shorts and a loose tee-shirt on and walk upstairs. “Hey Dad, your home early for lunch,” I say hoping that Austin doesn’t pull up until Dad is gone. “I had to cut something out for someone and so where is my lunch?” I bite my lip and think shit I forgot I had to make something for him. I say “Hold on Dad I will go make you a sandwich. “ I walk into the kitchen and make him a sandwich as he looks me up and down. “Where the fuck are you going?” He says with an angry tone and I wince at how angry he sounds. “To the beach with some friends,” I say and I give a smile to him and he rolls his eyes and says “Get out of here.” I walk downstairs towards my room and I grab a pair of sandals and my sunglasses as I pull my hair back into a headband as it curls up.

 I hear the front door shut as I hear the basement open and there is Austin with his hair spiked up in a pair of cargo shorts and a tank top. I bite my lip and smile at him. “What? You are looking at me like I am a piece of meat,” he says and laughs. “Oh sorry.” I look down and bite my lip as he walks towards me. I look up and there he is right in front of me and I smile. “You look great,” I say as he entangles his fingers in my hair and we kiss passionately. This was the most passionate kiss I have shared with Austin. I feel his tongue running against my tongue asking for entry. I open my mouth and our tongues are flicking against each other as we continue to kiss. I stand up on my tippy toes and before I know it Austin picks me up and I wrap my legs around his hips. Once we both need to breathe we separate and we lay our foreheads together and smile at each other. “Cassie, Will you be my girlfriend?” I hear him say that and I smile and nod my head yes and he kisses me again but softer this time. He finally puts me down and I grab my phone and purse as we walk upstairs and out the front door and to his car.

There you go guys! This week is the final week for the marking period and I have some assignments I have to finish so I don’t know when I will update again but I will try and update as soon as possible! Don’t forget to show your friends and share them on your social network sites! I will love you forever! <3 But guys what do you think of the heated kiss between Cassie and Austin? Let me know what you think in the comments!






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