Welcome To Scarlet Moon - 01

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"Oh my dear baby! You've grown up so fast! Just yesterday you were my little furball of joy and now you're leaving us behind to go away!" Mrs. Claude cried as she clung desperately to her son.

"Mom! Come on, I'm almost sixteen!" Seth shouted as he pushed the possessive mother away.

"He's right dear. We always knew that Seth would grow up and that time has come. He must now leave our pack to form his own and prove his worth as a man! Just remember son, try not to gather too many bitches. That would be signing your death certificate. Also, be protected. You don't want pups anytime soon and I'm too young to be a grand-daddy," Mr. Claude laughed.

"Umm......." Seth seemed to be paralysed by his father's sudden declaration.

"Honey! I told you that female wolves aren't bitches! We're she-wolves damn it! She-wolves! And stop talking about such perverted topics around the kids!" Mrs. Claude barked.

".......... But I put our first kid in you when we were sixteen......" he chuckled.


"I'm off!" Seth yelled as he dashed away, leaving his evidently embarrassed siblings to deal with the troubling, immature arguments of their young parents. Hopping aboard the local bus, he sighed in relief as he plopped down onto his vacant seat.

* * *

"My Lady, please alow me to brush your locks," the bowing maid pleaded.

"Of course, Laurissa," Lilith nodded as she sat infront of the glamorous mirror which made up a portion of her exquisite dressing table.

"Laurissa, make sure that Lilith looks especially flamboyant when you are done. She must boast an extravagant, vibrant and ostentatious exterior which complements her high stature and extraordinarily stupendous personality," a woman instructed as she stood by observing Lilith's preparations.

"Of course, your highness. Forgive my insolence my Queen but I believe that it would take the power of a thousand Gods to make Lilith look any less beautiful. Her beauty radiates like a million suns through any obstacles which try to come between it," Laurissa remarked humbly.

"Of course! She is my daughter afterall. How could the Crown Princess be anything but perfection in every aspect!" Queen Seraphine gloated. She erupted in a typical high society laugh and her well endowed bust bounced while her slender fingers wrapped around her curvaceous hips.

"Mother, you flatter me dearly. However, don't you think that this is far too much fuss for an occasion that is as insignificant as this?" Lilith questioned.

"Of course not. Lilith, this is an especially important time for you as you are about to enter womanhood. As such, you must always make a mark so as to increase the number of potential suitors. We must find a son of a powerful family to marry his inheritance  into our own and as such, we must act now," Queen Seraphine noted.

"Of course. You are right mother. You always are."

* * *

"I'm off," Lucian murmured, grabbing his backpack.

"Hold on a second......" Mr. Valentine said as he moved the cellphone away from his face and covered the receiver with his hand, "What the hell Lucian! How many times have I told you not to interrupt me when I'm on the phone?! Especially when it's business related!"

"Yeah. Thanks for seeing me off. See ya in a couple years you old fart," Lucian scoffed.

"How dare you talk to me like that! Hey! Don't walk away on me. Lucian! Lucian!"

"Lucian....." a soothing voice called after him as he was walking out of the building.

"What is it?" Lucian growled.

"Don't be so harsh on your father. You shouldn't talk to him like that either. He is very busy, Lucian. You know that. Even so, he does everything for the sake of his family. For your sake. He loves you Lucian. Now wait right there let me get you something," Mrs. Valentine smiled.

"I know. I know," Lucian sighed, "But even so. He should at least spend some minutes for me at this critical time. I will be gone for three years after all."

"Hmm? What do you mean three years? You're going to the arcade as usual aren't you?" Mrs. Valentine inquired.

Lucian looked at his mother wide eyed and his mouth hung ajar.



"Mother," Lucian croaked as he clenched his fists and grit his teeth, "I'm going there today!"

Mrs. Valentine dropped the pan in her hands and clasped them over her mouth as she stared in surprise. "Th-that was today?!"

Lucian burst out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

"Lucian! Wait! I'm sorry! Please hear me out!" she cried out, running behind her son.

Lucian paused in his tracks. Without turning he spat, "None of you have ever been there. You never have cared and never will! I don't know why I thought that you would. I hate you!"

With that, he stormed off angrily.

* * *

"Have you prepared for your departure?"

"Yes, finished packing last night," Aleister responded to his father between mouthfuls of breakfast.

"That is very good. I am sure that you will do well. I won't go through a long talk about being responsible because I know that you already are. All I will say is to always be your best," Mr. Seymour stated.

"Also, be sure to visit us during break," Mrs. Seymour said as she joined her husband and child's conversation.

"Bring me back a beautiful daughter-in-law soon!" she added excitedly.

"Mother, please. You know It's too early for that," Aleister grinned.

"Don't worry dear. I'm sure that our son will bring back atleast three wives with his looks," Mr. Seymour joked.

"I sure hope so," his wife sighed.

"I should be leaving now," Aleister announced as he rose from his seat.

"Fang! Come on!" Aleister called and moments later the pure, white Great Pyrenees was trotting alongside him.

* * *

Seth stepped down from the public transport vehicle both disoriented yet extremely excited. He scanned the area, immediately noticing the large, hustling crowd off to the side. Cautiously moving closer, he stretched to get a look over the sea of people. A woman with an air of authority stepped forward to deliver a speech to those present.

"I am sure all of you are excited so I will try to keep things short in order for us to get straight into things. Let me just say that this will be your second home for the next three years and all of us are excited for you to join our family and the rich, diverse history which comes along with it. We expect all of you to adhere to predefined rules but for now let us put these formalities aside in order to indulge in the magnificent opportunities before us all. Without further ado, let me be the one to say: Welcome To Scarlet Moon Academy!"

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