Where Is She? - 04

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Pictured; Anna Francesca

Seth Claude - POV;

"God damn it!" I shouted as we rushed out of the building.

"It's alright.... right?! It's fine! Right?!" Jake murmered.

"This is ridiculous. We can't break the rules like this," Hank gulped.

"We have to find out if it's true!" I exclaimed.

We burst through the door to the Headmistress' room without even thinking.

"Anne! What's going on?!" I screamed.

We stopped dead in our tracks as six faces stared directly back at us.

"Seth! Jake!" Anne cried out,"She's- Liv's- It because of me......."

Anne burst into tears again and the teacher held onto her as she dropped to her knees.

"What are you three doing?!" Ms. Blackwood demanded.

"We heard that Livia went missing!" Jake squealed.

"That's- ugh. If you are friends of Ms. Tessa then perhaps I should let you know what's happening. YOU WILL NOT SPEAK A WORD TO ANYONE!" the fiesty headmistress boomed.

After a long heavy sigh, she continued her tale, "It seems that Ms. Livia jad invited Mr. Valentine here into her room on the night in question. Ms. Francesca had apparently seen the two meet earlier in the evening and convinced her friend not to go through with the meeting even refusing to let them used the room.....
This apparently led to Ms. Tessa exiting her room to join with her night lover. That is the last we heard of her. Moments later there was the scream and it seems that these boys discovered a bloody trail. Needless to say, the sequence of events don't imply good news for her sake."


"There's no way......."

"Students. This is crushing to us all especially so soon after you have all arrived. Please let us escort you back to your rooms for the rest of the night. We would like to prevent any form of chaos and unease amongst students so I plead for you to remain quiet until further notice. We do not plant to keep it a secret but we would like investigations to go on for some time before we come to conclusions," Blackwood pleaded as she bit on her rosy lower lip.

While Anne was carried by the staff, us six guys journeyed back together.

"So ya guys are first years too?" Jake questioned.

"Yeah, we are. We're roommates as well actually. The blonde hottie is Aleister, the promiscuous redhead is Lucian and I am the leader. They call me Harry."

"Huh," Jake remarked, "I'm Jake, this grey haired pickup artist is Seth and the buff wuss is Hank."

Needless to say, Hank and I were not amused by the introductions. Even so, we all exchanged handshakes and greetings. We parted at the dorm's main hallway from our new acquaintances with the sole mission of getting to our beds for a night of sweet dreams. My plans for a normal night, at least for the rest of what remained, came to a screeching halt.

At about five in the morning, I was awoken when a large, furry mass slammed down onto my abdomen. I shot up gasping for breath but this was met by a wet, rubbery material which dragged across my disoriented face.

"Holy shit! He's being eaten!" Jake squealed.

"God damn it! Do something! Pull it off!" Hank shouted.

"What? Me?! Hell no!"

"You freaking guys!" I bellowed as I reached out to grab my attacker but all I felt was a luscious, soft coat. Pushing the assailant away I quickly realised what I had been dealing with.

"A- a dog?" I was in disbelief. The snow coloured hound panted excitedly and his sharp eyes seemed to pierce through to my soul.

"Fang! Come here!" the familiar voice called. Moments later, Aleister burst through our room door.

"I'm sorry. He doesn't usually act like this," Aleister stated as he pried the adamant dog off of my bed sheets, "Actually, he doesn't usually get this close to anyone beside me. It seems he like you though. That's interesting."

"Does he now? Well I do tend to have an affinity with canines so it isn't too unusual," I laughed.


* * *

??? - POV;

"Why did you tell them all of that?" the gruff man questioned stroking his sideburns anxiously.

"You can rest assured that everything is under control sir. All that has occurred has been in line with my plans," I assured.

"Don't give me that crap! You never said anything about those kids!" he argued.

"If we are to come out on top we cannot merely survive under what we know. The best of the best are able to adapt quickly to new circumstances and thrive in them as soon as they become apparent. I merely altered my intial schemes on a moment's notice in order to encompass a new unpredictable occurance," I explained.

"But why them?!"

"I became interested in them even before they had arrived here. Each one possesses a unique trait that sets them apart from the rest. In fact, they may not even realise the extent themselves. If I can nurture their teue potentials we shall become unstoppable!"

"You do always make a sound argument with your cunning words. That is why you had gained my respect in the first place Madame Liz G," he snickered.

"But of course. I am who I am for a reason. No one can resist my charm. In fact, they don't even realise ot but they are under my spell already," I grinned.

"What about the extras then? We can't  have many- or rather any extra ears," he whispered.

"Indeed," I stated as my face broke into a sly, wicked smile, "I will deal with them myself."

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