Homeroom....... President?! - 05

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Pictured; Ivy Aurora

Lucian Valentine - POV;

"Damn it!"

I cursed under my breath as I scrubbed my skin thoroughly but the adamant ruby stains refused to leave.


My head jerked in the direction of the sudden noise and my green irises locked on to the figure entering. Aleister had walked through the bathroom door and he was evidently taken aback when he saw me.

Raising an eyebrow he asked, "What the heck happened to you?"

"It- It's nothing," I stammered.

"Nothing? You're covered in blood."

"Yeah. I- uh.... when I jumed from the window of the girls' dorm to escape from getting caught, I got scraped pretty bad by a branch that caught me. I got caught anyway too. Sucks to be me huh?" I explained.

"Yeah, I guess. But you were like that this whole time? Hmm. Funny I hadn't noticed. Anyway, you've been inside here since we got back from Blackwood's. Get going will you?" Aleister remarked.

"Yeah, yeah."

* * *

Seth Claude - POV;

After the infamous incidence dubbed "The Banshee's Wail", rumours started to spread left and right. I desperately tried to avoid thinking about the truth Blackwood had told us. This wouldn't be successful however as it seemed impossible to get around the campus without hearing about it and the return of the second and third years only added fuel to the fire.

In no time, it was the first day of the term. The students piled into the hall all excited yet blatantly tired and wishing for extra days of holidays.

"Hey, did you hear? Apparently there is a princess among the first years. In fact, I hear she is the daughter of Queen Seraphine."

"No way. She has to be just like her mother right? I kind of feel sorry for any guys who try to face her."

"But you know what I heard? Apparently one of the first year boys is from the Zephyr family!"

"For real?! I wonder if he's interested in older girls....."

I shook my head as the giggling second year girls ran off.

Blackwood cleared her throat as she took the stage, "Good morning students and staff. Without wasting any time, welcome back to Scarlet Moon Academy for the beginning of the first semester in this school year. I would like to give a special greeting out to our new first year students and I hope those of our senior students will help out your younger brothers and sisters as they begin to get accostomed to their new lives with us. I could go on and on but I shall spare all of you the time because I know you are all excited to meet your new teachers and classmates. So let me quickly introduce to all of you to our Student Council President."

The students cheered as the young, curvy maiden marched on stage. Her glasses adorned face was indeed attractive, cute even, and her flowing, dark, asphalt coloured hair gave off an air of true authority. While I wouldn't admit it, I found it quite the impossible feat to not notice the jiggle  of her chests which matched her perfect gait.

She raised her chin prominantly as she spoke, "Good morning Headmistress, Vice-Principal, Deans, Heads of Staff, teachers, auxiliary staff and, of course, my fellow students. Today I stand before you as the student council president of Scarlet Moon Academy, Aestrea Ivys Exixone Exneas Qalyn Sonora Rupyx Aurora; however I simply go by Ivy Aurora. It is a wonderful time as we celebrate the coming of our newest additions to our great family. To the first years, I promise you that these shall be the best years of your life and you will soon experience the strong bonds and togetherness grown amongst our students here towards each other and everyone who places their time and effort to be a part of this prestigious institution. The student Council is always willing to hear the pleas and plights of any who comes to us so I do hope that you shall not hesitate to approach me in times of need. Remember that Scarlet Moon is not only about studying but we encourage that students join and participate in at least one of the many clubs we have to offer. In the end, have fun and enjoy your time together with us. One word of warning.... Do not wander into or close to the great forests which border the Western edge of the campus and stretch thinly to the far North. Good morning to the entire school body and thank you for your time."

The rest of the assembly was filled with some boring lecture typical of schools reguarding cleanliness, behaviour and other such overbearing topics.

The students were quick to exit once we had concluded our morning gathering. Honestly I always found them to be quite bland so it was somewhat pleasing to see the people at Scarlet Moon kept it short. Once we had chosen a seat and settled down in class, comments started being thrown like crazy.

"Hey, do you think we're getting a cool homeroom teacher?"

"Maybe. But I'd personally prefer to have a female."

"You and I think alike bro. We're like pervert brothers-in-arms. I want to get a hot one too if I'm honest."

"Yo dude!" Jake's sudden shout grabbed my attention away from the talking boys.

"Oh, hey! We're in the same homeroom class huh?" I remarked.

"Ya, it sure looks like it, don't it?" he giggled as he grabbed the seat next to mine.

"Man, I will never get over the fact that your accent doesn't fit with your pretty boy face," I laughed.

"Ya, ya. I get that a lot. It ain't that bad though. Ain't it?" he asked.

"Uh.... sure. If you say so."

We were interrupted by the sound of the class door being swung open. The entire class went silent and everyone's eyes went wide with confusion and surprise as the woman walked in sporting a white shirt and silky hair. She lay down her books and pushed her trendy red glases up the bridge of her nose as she addressed us, "Good morning class. I will be your homeroom teacher for the next year. I hope we get along well during this time. My name, as you may already know, is Aestrea Aurora."

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