Chapter 8

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I walked to maths class by myself today; Josh hasn’t spoken to me since yesterday when we had a mini shouting competition. I look to the ground as I walk gloomily and kick the sticks and stones. Josh would have been walking by my side telling me about his day but no, I lied to him and now he won't talk to me. I suddenly see a pair of feet in front of me but when I look up it’s too late. I bump into a guy and accidently make his books fall the ground, I bend down to pick them up and I hand them to him. He looked at me and suddenly a smile grows on his face.

“Ashton!?” I say, “haha, hi cat!" he laughs. His big smile shows his nice straight teeth and his eyes fill with happiness, it didn’t take me long to notice that he’s wearing black Ray bans.

“Since when did you go to this school?” I say without thinking. He chuckles and walks with me to class, “since year 8?” he answers. “Oh” I manage to say. I’ve never seen him around school before but I guess that’s because I was always blocking the world out that I never really took notice of the people around me. I've never been the type of person who really cared about what others did, I hated everyone, I don’t know about now, but I'm kind of starting to like this Ashton guy and maybe Harry too, I'm just really confused about Harry at the moment, the guy spins my mind like a washing machine.

He laughs and shakes his head. I turn to him and ask him about his glasses.

“I’ve always needed glasses; I just don’t wear them while I play the drums or when I’m at home doing nothing.” He explains.

“Ohhh” I see... He looks very nice in glasses and I must say he's quit the charmer. I never knew he was the drummer in his band.

He walks me to class and I hug him goodbye, he told me that his band is coming over to my place this arvo so he told me he’ll see me then.

 I walk into class and notice Josh’s eyes on me, he must have seen me hugging Ashton because he looks super pissed. He’s probably more pissed about me staying over Harry’s.

I sit at the back where I normally sit and open up my book to a blank page, I don’t want to look at Josh today, I just can’t be bothered telling him why I left him on Saturday, I feel bad about it but I just don’t have the energy to show it.

Josh avoids me all day and I don’t make an effort to talk to him, I see my friends over at our spot and I walk over to them, we sit under a tree near the gates of the school, there used to be grass where we sit but now there’s just dirt, I guess we just sit here too much that we killed it. The tree is where we can smoke and not get caught, teachers never come here because it’s meant to be out of bounds but being the rebels we are, we sit here anyway. Some kids come here too but never sit in our spots because we’d bash them if they did, Kelly would never get involved though, she’s not very violent and she usually just uses words to piss people off, but Christy, she’s the total opposite. I admit that I’m a bit afraid of her but once you get to know her, she’s actually a really funny chick.

 I’m not one to smoke but ever since I’ve had social anxiety, I’ve been smoking quite a bit to relieve my worries and stress. Christy has always been the badass slut she is and I hate it but she’s my friend so I can’t judge her for that. No one used to want to be my friend so I’m lucky to have these girls in my life even if I’m really different to them.

“Hey” I smiled; I sit on the ground and take out my history book to finish my homework.

“Hey Kitty Cat” Kelly says with a smile, she moves in closer and I could tell she’s about to say something ‘interesting’ here it goes…

“Guess what guys!” she says gesturing her hands in a weird motion, Christy and I look up, “what?” we say in sync. She breathes and starts talking, “ok so my friend Niall is throwing a party tonight and it’s going to be sick!” she says, I look confused and so does Christy.

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