Chapter 12

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"Cat!?"Calum says in surprise, "why are you here?" he asks me.

" well Harry is my friend remember?" I answer him, he looks over to harry and back to me.

"Oh okay, well aren't you going to give me your amazing hugs?" he smiles, I nod and walk over to my brother to give him a hug, I turn to Ashton and greet him as well, "hey Ash" I say, I give him a small hug and I look over to Harry who is just standing there in confusion.

"Why don't I get any hugs?" Harry mutters, but I manage to make out his words

"What?" I say back to him, his cheeks flush and he looks to the ground. "Urm nothing..." he says softly.

I follow Harry to the kitchen and he pours me a glass of water, he looks tense and his eyes don't leave the cup. I drink out of it and there's an awkward silence.

"I never knew Calum was your brother" he tells me to stop the awkwardness.

"Um yeah, I thought you knew, didn't Ashton tell you?" I place my cup in the sink and look back at harry. He shrugs and raises his eyebrows.

"so, you want me to show you around the house?" he asks me

"Yeah okay" I say back. I never really have been around the house besides Harry's bedroom or the kitchen, I follow Harry to the back of the house and see a huge living room with clean white furniture, the TV is on the wall and the coffee table is perfectly clean, I'm shocked to see such a big living room but as we walk into an even bigger room my jaw drops to the ground.

"Oh.MY.GOSH!" I say to Harry, he chuckles and puts his hand on my back to guide me into the room.

"This is the home theatre." He chuckles at my reaction and I giggle at the way Harry says the word 'theatre' I replay it over and over again in my mind, I just love his accent so much.

He guides me to the back door, with his hand still on my back, he then places both his giant hands on my tiny shoulders and we look out to the backyard.

The yard is huge and the grass is as green as emerald, I look over the back of the yard and I spot a pool, we walk over to it and I see that the water is nice and blue and its beautiful.

"So why do you swim at the lake when you have your own pool?" I ask him, he shrugs and looks at me

"I hate chlorine" he says while staring at the ground, I wish he could look me in the eye, I want to see those green eyes of his but he ignores my eye contact.

"So is this all of your house?" I ask him to break the silence.

"No, there are also the rooms upstairs but I'm sure you don't want to see boring spare rooms." He chuckles, I laugh with him and we walk back inside.

"What about the recording studio?" I ask him, I remember the mention of one by Ashton and now I'm very curious of it.

"our brother's band is probably recording their music there right now, so I don't think we should interrupt" he shrugs. I notice his use of words when he calls Ashton his brother and I can't help but ask why he called him that.

"isn't Ashton your step brother?" I ask him


"well you called him your brother" I tell him, he looks at me weirdly and he answers.

"well, Ashton is like an actual brother to me so I just call him that, calling him my step brother just seems weird because it makes it sound like we hate each other when we really don't" he explains.

I nod my head and smile, he returns a smile back and he blinks slowly.

"you love him as a brother?" I nudge him, he rolls his eyes at me and giggles quietly.

"yeah so?" he argues like a little boy, "so nothing, I think it's really cute" I smile at him.

"Don't ever use the word cute to me again" he demands playfully.

"I think you're cute" I realise what I had said and I cover my cheeks to prevent him from seeing how red they are. He gives me a smirk and laughs.

"I'm not cute" he laughs, "yes you are" I say back.

"I'm not cute!" he snaps, he turns around so I'm facing his back.

I walk closer to him and look up. "Yes you are, you do adorable things and you don't even notice it and this may be one of them" I tease, he look over his shoulder to me and he narrows his eye. He turns his body around to me and he picks me up from my waist with his strong hands and brings me to the wall. I let out a squeal kick my feet to make him let go of me.

My back falls hard to the wall and he stands in front of me invading my personal space with his hands pushed against the wall so my head is in between them. He brings his face to mine and he breathes heavily on my face, his nose is almost touching mine and I giggle and question him.

"I'm not cute." He whispers, I nod without leaving my eyes from Harry's, he looks to my lips then back to my eyes, he then lets out a cheeky smirk.

"Tell me that I'm sexy instead." His voice is deep and raspy and it sends chills down my spine, he stares into my eyes not daring to look away. "Tell me Catrina" he almost whispers, it sends a funny feeling to my body that I've never felt before and I grab onto his shirt. "you're sexy" I say to him, he doesn't leave my eyes and he is still in my face, I scan his face and I suddenly have an urge to kiss him, I shake my thoughts away and fight the urge. I push his body away and I laugh.

"Couldn't handle the tension babe?" he teases and I roll my eyes. "Okay you have got to stop with the pet names" I laugh, he joins in and wraps his arms around my waist. "Whatever, as long as you stop calling me your friend" he tells me, I look at him in confusion and I think back to what he said, aren't we friends though? What if he doesn't like me anymore? He probably hates me and doesn't want me to be his friend.

"Why?" I ask him slowly; he looks at me with a smirk and giggles.

"Never mind, don't worry about it, I was just being stupid" he laughs awkwardly, I'm still confused but I go along with it anyway, I'm starting to see the friendly side of Harry and I don't want to ruin it.

I hear my phone ring in my pocket and I reach for it to pick it up. "hello?" I say into my phone, It was my mother, her voice is annoying as always and she blabbers on and on, "it's time to come back home now, get your brother too, we're having Indian food tonight" my boring mother says, I really don't want to go back home to my mums cooking but I have no choice. "okay bye" I quickly hang up to escape having to listen to her talk about her day at work.

"Mum says I have to go now, I'll see you soon okay?" I say to harry, he smiles and nods.

As I was about to ask Harry where my brother was, Calum walks pass at the right time. "Come on loser, we have to go home now" I say to him, he says goodbye to Ash and Harry and I hold onto his arm and we walk out the door. We start walking back home and I make an attempt to trip him over.

"Nice try retard" he laughs. "Hey you can't insult me with that, it's really offensive to some people" I argue back, I think back to times where I've called myself a retard but that didn't really count. "Whatever, you still failed to trip me though" he teases, I poke my tongue at him like a 5 year old and he laughs and rolls his eyes. "You're such a little kid" he insults me. "Am not!" I push him.

After a while of pushing and shoving we reached our house and we walk inside, we both breathe in our nose to smell in sync and we look at each other in disgust. "Mum's ruined dinner" he whispers, I laugh and nod my head in agreement. We walk upstairs and I stand in front of my door to open it.

"You like him don't you" Calum says from his room.

"What?" wait, what does he mean?

"You like Styles, admit it! You're my sister Cat, I can tell if you like someone or not"

I stay silent and shut my door, I lay on my bed and get lost in my deep thoughts. Do I like harry in that way? I can't though, I have Josh, it's not right. The more I think of it, the more I picture Harry in my mind, it wasn't just his laugh or his smile, it was everything. Why can't I get him out of my mind!?

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