Heroes of my storm - P.3

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The half robotic man continued to run swiftly past detection of the invading omnics as he switched from one back alleyway to another. The wind rustled your hair pushing the strands around your face in a wild manner making it difficult to see. Your arms tightened their grip around his muscular neck terrified of a sudden connection with the pavement should he be taken by surprise from an enemy. 

His expression remained hard and concentrated not seeming to react at all to your grip as his hands kept their strong hold on your body daring any overly brave enemy to try and take you from him. 

His feet pressed against each stair as he began to take the high ground clearly knowing exactly where he was going. Without hesitation, he jumped from one roof top to the next never bothering to look down. Your heart continued to race in your chest tensing every muscle as he barely cleared each jump showing no signs of slowing down. 

"Please be careful." you managed to say with a short breath unable to stop yourself from looking around wildly and noticing every possible way that sudden death could arrive. 

Of course he didn't answer and you were even unsure if he had heard your plea. Instead he remained focused. You weren't familiar with the man though you were sure at this point he had to have been affiliated with the Overwatch in some way. His training was too good and his movements were perfect. At the same time you couldn't help but wonder if the man from before was with the Overwatch as well though it appeared the two did know each other.

With a sudden skid, the man came to a complete stop still on top of a roof. His eyes scanned the area as you watched him quietly waiting for him to say something or continue moving. Though his grip on your body slightly loosened as he put you back onto your feet which were a bit weak from the stress of the past hour. 

His body moved from behind you to swiftly in front of you slowly placing his hand on the handle of his sword before drawing it out completely. The long sword found it's way in front of him turned at an angle as his body lowered to a defensive stance. 

"Come on..." he said in a low threatening voice that also managed to send a chill across your skin. 

Those two words alone were enough to make your heart pound in an entirely different way than the way the panic had. His exposed muscles flexed with the steadiness of his sword and just by the look of him alone any fear that you had been feeling completely disappeared and had been replaced with that of fascination. 

He was waiting for something dangerous to come even though you could hear nothing out of the ordinary. You knew you needed to run for safety as you would be unable to defend yourself and surely you didn't want to put the man before you in danger with your own stupidity. 

Your legs felt like they had been covered in concrete as you became stiff trying to decide what needed to be done. With you with him even if he brought you to complete safety how long would he make it with both of his hands trying to hold you? You were at an extreme advantage compared to the people you once shared the city with and it would be selfish to ask for even more help after two complete strangers risked extreme danger just to get you out of harms way. 

After a few deep and rapid breaths, you finally found the strength to move your legs faster than you had every moved them in your entire life. Your arms pumped on both sides of your body as you ran across the rooftop where a set of stairs had been leading back to the ground a random back alley that you had never been in. 

"Wait!" the man called out roughly just as you heard the sound of robot and gunfire approach where you both had been standing. 

Your eyes burned from the lack of blinking as you ignored his call refusing to be a burden on the man who would have to always have one eye on you as something would be trying to kill him. 

Your body turned down the stairs running completely out of view of the fight that had just started behind you. Your breathing became wild and rapid instantly reminding you of all the nights you chose to stay in with junk food instead of getting any kind of exercise. The air entering and exiting your throat burned as your feet finally touched the street once again taking off toward where you knew the outside of the city was. 

People still screamed and struggled as the sound of multiple gun fire rang heavily in the air. The lights installed on the large bridge leading out of the city came into view though you knew it would be suicide to just simply cross it with so much chaos. Instead your direction changed to that of the calm water that made the need for the bridge to be built. 

Leaving your shoes and all of your clothes completely in, you body submerged itself into the cold water instantly sending multiple chills across your skin. Your teeth lightly shook occasionally hitting each other as your arms began to move in the water pulling your body in the direction of the land on the other side. The lights from the bridge barely brought sight to where you were swimming though you knew to keep moving in a forward motion careful to not lose your sense of direction. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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