Heroes of My Storm - P.6

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The rest of the night had been filled with nightmares mixed with pleasant dreams of a life you once lived. Your body shook violently with each changing dream that seemed to have the reoccurring theme of your life ending in an unpleasant way. Flashing images of bodies littering the streets staining the concrete with a violent red that would remain as a reminder long after the rain would wash it away. The memory of swimming for your life in the freezing river away from the city you had called home suddenly appeared though it was different from what you had remembered. The water against your skin no longer felt cold and unwelcoming but instead felt warm and protecting. A sense of calmness washed over you as you stopped swimming for the land and instead remained floating in place soaking in that peaceful feeling that was so very much needed. Just as your body began to descend allowing the water to cover you head your eyes shot open only to see a wall with the paint chipping in multiple spots.

Your head pounded as your eyes remained locked on the wall attempting to fully awake from the unwanted slumber your body had forced you into. That warmness from your final dream, however, remained noticeably present as you were no longer soaking wet from your night swim or cold from the blowing wind of the open air.  

As your mind finally began to focus and your thoughts calm down you began to focus on that warmth once again. In that very moment the feeling in your body returned signaling something was off. Your body had been laying against a rather worn mattress placed on the floor while a thick and scratchy blanket covered you up to your neck.

But the new surroundings and placement in a strange bed had been the least of your concerns as you felt the soft blow of air every few seconds against the back of your neck tickling the small hairs on your skin with each breeze. 

Slowly you moved one arm just enough to slightly push the blanket back away from your body. As the fabric moved, your naked skin revealed itself suddenly feeling cold now that the blanket had been pushed. A rather muscular arm belonging to another person had been slung over your waist lazily through tightly enough that your bare back had been pressed against a bare chest that slowly moved up and down with each easy breath. 

Your body tensed slightly as you attempted to move away from the stranger though you efforts were pointless as this person even in their sleep had been much stronger. After taking a few quick breaths you began to pull away again as the sleeping arm finally began to lose its grip and slide away...until the sleeping stranger finally woke with your less than stealth movements.

"Where do ya think you're goin', little lady?" a familiar voice asked with tiredness still present. 

You didn't answer as shock took over your senses. His arm moved back over your waist pulling you closer once again in a strong lock as he leaned his bearded chin against your smooth neck. 

"This'll do just fine." he breathed out more to himself though loud enough for you to hear him plain as day. 

"What's happening?" you managed to ask with a shaky voice as different thoughts rapidly flew through your mind. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest unsure of what had happened while you were asleep as you mentally attempted to brace yourself for the worst. 

"Keepin' you alive." he answered simply. "You would have froze to death in those wet clothes of yours."

His words ran through your mind over and over again as you began to process what exactly had happened with you had lost consciousness. 

"Did you undress me?" you asked him slowly though you already knew the answer yourself. 

"Sure did, Ma'am." he answered with a yawn and without any hesitation. "Someone had to. Might as well be me."

Your eyes focused on the wall once again processing what he had just told you. A part of you had been thankful that he saved your life by keeping your warm until you woke though the other part had been feeling uncomfortable as a stranger removed your clothes and as well as his own and pressed his unfamiliar body against yours. 

Silence took over the room as you fought with yourself on whether to be angry or thankful for the events that had happened. Your body, from as far as you could tell, felt fine and your body temperature seemed to be back to normal. 

"My name is McCree by the way." he spoke again possibly feeling your uneasiness as his grip around your waist instantly loosened though remained in place. "Jesse McCree. I don't recall catching each other's names last night."

His name at first at been lost from your memory though it was as familiar as riding a bike the moment you heard it again. 

"I'm (Y/FN) (Y/LN)." you replied trying to steady your breathing and attempting to hide your nervousness. "I...I didn't get a chance to thank you for...ya know saving me."

McCree breathed deeply remaining silent for just a moment before answering.

"Excuse my bluntness, Honey, but I'd say this is the best thank you I've ever gotten." he replied with a slight laugh in his voice as he completely removed his arm and rolled over to lay on his back.

~~~To be continued~~~

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