Heroes of My Storm - P.5

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Just as your body started to relax a sudden thought forced itself into your mind immediately putting yourself back on guard. The man who had been helping you seemed to be half robotic himself even something that could be similar to what was attacking the city. Your muscles tensed as you began to wiggle pin the man's arms attempting to free yourself from a stranger who appeared to be going to great lengths to keep you alive.

"Stop moving." he said quickly as his grip tightened around your body making it quite difficult to set yourself free.

His strength easily outmatched your own as you continued your struggle only to stagger his moving feet slightly but not enough to make him stagger.

"Put me down put me down." you told him with a slight crack in your voice as panic began to set in at the realization that this stranger could be leading you into a trap.

The man stopped at the sound of your words and released his grip on your body, fortunately, just as you had commanded. Your tired feet touched the ground once again aching by the pressure of the rest of your sore body not wanting to hold your wait any longer and looking for a break. Your hands moved to your wet hair pushing the stray strands away from your head as you desperately tried to stabilize your breathing and keep yourself under control.

The man before you said nothing as he remained in place careful not to come closer in case you had a complete mental breakdown and attempted to attack him. He was clearly on his guard though he made no movements toward his sword that could easily tear through your body like a tissue. His eyes, however, remained locked and determined on your face studying you carefully seeming to read your thoughts without actually speaking.

"How do I know..." you breathed out keeping your gaze just as strong as his was.

"What do you mean?" he asked obviously confused by your lack of words.

"How do I know..." you started again swallowing hard as you managed to take a small step backward away from the man. "How do I know you're not one of them."

The man's head tilted slight to the side allowing a few wet strands of black hair brush across his face mask as he closed his slightly glowing eyes. He didn't have the exact appearance of the robots attacking the city but he looked much more dangerous than any of the ones you had seen. The only thing you knew for sure was that this man was anything but normal and he was clearly dangerous.

He remained silent for an uncomfortable amount of time as he seemed to be trying to gather the right words if he was planning to say anything at all. Your feet continued to shuffle backward ever so slightly careful not to make any noise as you were sure even the smallest leaf cracking would gain his immediate attention once again.

Your mind raced trying to think of ways to escape while the main continued to remain silent with his eyes closed. Running didn't seem to be an option as he was much faster and able to claim structures and jump unreasonable distances. If you couldn't outrun him it would be impossible to find a hiding place to simply wait him out. Surely, there would be something in his build that allowed him to locate you no matter where you went into hiding.

Silent step by step you continued increasing the distance between you and the potential killer before you backed into something...human like.

"Careful now. You don't wanna fall backward and hurt yourself." a familiar voice spoke up breaking the silence.

Your body tensed once again as you quickly turned around to come face-to-face with the first man who had helped you escape from the clutches of a robot.

"How did you get out here,McCree?" the robotic man asked clearly now concentrated on what was happening as you heard his footsteps come closer to where you and the new man had now been standing.

McCree. You listened to the name saying it over and over again in your head. You now had the name to one of the men and that simple peace of information seemed to put your fears at a temporary ease as they began to seem more human like at the mention of a name.

McCree tilted his hat upward in the darkness while biting carefully on a lit cigar gently moving it in his mouth.

"Well now that was poor greeting." McCree answered with a hint of sarcasm in his voice looking at the robotic man that was standing directly behind you.

Your body experienced a small shiver that you were uncertain if it was from the cold and wind or the fact that you were standing between two men who were potentially trying to kill your or turn you over to the robots for some kind of cash reward.

Your head pounded from the stress and the outside elements as you tried to listen to the exchanging of words between the two men. But as time went on it was becoming harder to concentrate on the words as the area around you began to slowly spin with few spots of color appearing in your vision.

"Hey, Little Lady, are you feeling okay?" you heard McCree ask in your direction as he had a view of your face that surely looked like it was drifting off into the clouds.

You attempted to answer him though no words escaped your lips as your blurred vision suddenly became dark and your feet finally gave out.

~~~To be continued~~~

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