Heroes of My Storm - P.12

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The echoing sound of cowboy boots had completely disappeared leaving just the awkward silence between you and another man who seemed significantly less friendly than McCree. He didn't bother to make a joke or even utter a word as he continued to stare at you while you still looked in the direction McCree walked. You had to admit though with your emotions still running wild it was a welcome change of pace to be with someone who remained quiet and at an arm's length away.

"I want to go home." you suddenly found yourself saying as you turned your attention back to your new companion. 

It was difficult to think straight or keep your feelings in check but it was one hundred percent clear that you wanted to go home.

"There's nothing to go home to." he responded in a slightly softer voice unusual from what you had heard before. "I'm sorry."

You didn't want to ask any questions that would go into more detail. It was clear from his short sentence that everything you had once known and loved was gone probably including the people of your everyday life. There was no hero to save your elderly neighbor or for your coworkers a few apartment buildings away. They weren't as lucky as you had been and the guilt of that reality began to set in heavily as you should have been lifeless in the street as well.

"You shouldn't have saved me." you spoke up beginning to  feel some anger begin to build. "You should have let me die."

As you watched him he made no moves to speak or show any facial expressions that signaled he was feeling anything at all. Instead he just continued to watch you allowing more pointless words to leave your lips.

"You ruined my life. My home is gone, my friends are gone, my family....just gone!" your voice raised more than what you would have liked but it was near impossible to remain calm when speaking of how tragic your life had become just overnight.  "There's no point anymore. There's no reason to live anymore. How can I ever recover from this!?" 

You didn't expect an actual answer from him or literally any kind of response. It was clear he didn't know what to say and honestly you didn't either. But just yelling in general seemed to help with the anxiety you were feeling and while you could have screamed even more you were suddenly cut off.

"Let's go." he told you turning on his heel down a different hallway never bothering to look if you were still following him.

You could feel the beginnings of tears forming but moved your heavy feet behind him unsure of where he was taking you. The small thought of him mercy killing you crossed through your mind that maybe something in your outburst had triggered him or he really did feel sorry for you. You witnessed yourself the way he was able to tear through the omnics like they were nothing but tissue paper so surely he would be able to end you just as painlessly and quickly. 

However, that thought couldn't stay present for very long as the end of a hallway quickly approached to a final door that he reached for without hesitation. Peaking from behind him, you saw the bright sunlight from a welcoming sun that continued to rise and shine no matter what happened on the earth far away. 

He moved out of the way just enough so that you were able to squeeze past him and step on the soft grass allowing the warm rays to eliminate the coldness that had accumulated in the shut off building. The wind was soft and brushed against your skin just enough to leave a slight tickle but the most comforting was the fresh air that didn't smell like fire, gasoline, or even death. It was pure and crisp and even comfortable.

You moved past the man even farther to explore the open area that had a few trees for shade but was mostly an open area. As you started to feel the anger leaving your body and become replaced with a certain calmness, you couldn't help but kick off your shoes and socks and embrace the feeling of a small freedom on as much skin as possible. 

This action triggered your move to a nearby tree as you collapsed underneath the leafy branches just enough so that part of you was under shade while the rest remained in the open sunlight. Slightly rolling and stretching your limbs and back felt liberating and could have brought a new form of tear to your eye though you didn't want to completely lose control with someone watching you still from the doorway. 

You couldn't help but feel something for this man who didn't know how to verbally respond to your outburst but instead chose an action he though would help. He did seem to care about you to some extent that you weren't quite sure of as he wasn't as forward as McCree had been. You were certain had McCree been here instead he would be on the ground with you as closely as possible forgetting about personal space and boundaries. But instead this man kept his distance even as he removed himself from the door and took a set at a small picnic table pushed against the side of the building. It was clear he wasn't going to leave you to yourself outside but that no longer mattered to you. It didn't matter that he kept a watchful eye as long as he let you relax and enjoy the fresh air for as long as possible. 

Rolling on your side to face his direction, you moved your arms under your head to create a sort of pillow as your weepy eyes became heavier than you could handle. You weren't sure exactly how far away from the city you were but it obviously safe to lay outside and sleep if he was keeping guard. 

~~~To be continued~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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