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I talked to Dan and Phil for a while, and it took all of my strength not to break out into a little fangirl attack around them. My entire body felt jittery in a good way and I just couldn't believe that I was meeting my two idols. It felt so surreal. 

After a while they turned to talk to some other people I didn't know and I was about to find Marcus so we could go up to our room and I could go to sleep. I was feeling really fatigued after my long nap in the car. I just loved sleep so much. 

Something caught my eye before I could find Marcus though. That girl that I had seen earlier with Dan and Phil was rushing out of the room to the pool in the back. For some reason, I have no idea what, I decided to follow her. 

She looked like she was in a bad mood and I wanted to see if she was okay. I also felt kind of bad for ignoring her earlier when I was talking to Dan and Phil. Maybe that was why she was upset. I opened the door and let the warm air rush around me. I loved living in California. 

The girl was sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. The lights lit up her hair and I could make up that it was ombre, blonde at the tips. As I walked closer to her I realised how pretty she was. I hadn't noticed before since all of my attention was turned towards Dan and Phil. 

I was about to speak and say something when I ran into a one of the chairs by the pool making a sound noise. The girl jumped and turned around to look at me. Her eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue. She really was stunning. 

"What are you doing?" she said standing up, getting her feet out of the pool. 

"I'm sorry, I just thought," then I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say to her. I wasn't just going to say that I thought it would be a laugh to follow her. "Well you looked sad, I don't know," I said looking at the ground. 

"I'm fine, I just was getting anxious with all those people in there," she said her tone slightly annoyed. I was suddenly regretting following her out here. It was obvious she just wanted to be alone. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have followed you," I said awkwardly turning to leave and go find Marcus so we could go up to our room and sleep. 

"Hey wait," the girl said touching my back. I turned to look at her. "Thank you, for caring enough to see if I was okay," she said softly this time she was looking at the ground. 

"You're welcome," I said with a smile leaving her alone by the pool as I walked back inside. 


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