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We were laughing together. We were laughing about something that I thought would never happen. We both wanted to move in together. Even I knew this was special. We hardly knew each other, but we felt a strong enough connection to want to live together. 

If I had anything to say about love, I would say that it can sometimes come suddenly. 

"Wait, so what do you want to do?" I asked with a laugh. I would do whatever Zoe wanted to do. I would move to England with her, or I would help her move to America with me. 

"I want to stay here, I love your apartment and I love you," she said looking into my eyes again. I smiled and we leaned in and kissed gently. 


The next few days went by in a rush of busyness and phone calls. Zoe had to call her brother back in England, and her mother and her father. I had to call my friends to tell them what had happened. Zoe had to call her knew friends Tanya and Louise and of course they had to come over. 

And I had to call the airport to get two tickets for us to go to England in a few days to get all of Zoe's stuff. There was just a lot of phone calls that had to be made. 

One morning I woke up early to make us breakfast to find that Zoe was already awake. She was sitting at the dining room table on the phone with who I guessed to be was Louise. She hung up right as I walked into the kitchen to start making omlettes. 

"Who was that?" I asked as I pulled out the milk and the eggs, as well as the cheese. 

"Louise, she's going to meet us at the airport tomorrow when we get to England. Do you need any help?" she asked walking over to help me get out the rest of the ingredients from the fridge. 

That's when I remembered that we were leaving the next day. I still had to pack. That was the one thing I was fairly rubbish at, packing. I never did it on time and then I was always stressed, like always stressed. 

Zoe say the expression on my face and smiled. "You still have to pack, don't you?" she asked as she started to crack the eggs into a bowl she had gotten out. Zoe had only known me about three weeks, but she already knew so much about me. 

"How'd you know?" I asked with a smile taking the whisk from her and starting to mix up our eggy cheesey mixture. 

"Just a guess," she said with a wink walking over to the table to set it with plates and cups for us. I loved living with Zoe, she just fit in perfectly. It was if I had never truly lived without her. She completed me. 


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