Growing Close Again

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Nicole smiled as she sat curled on her couch as she read through a book that she had been giving about having a baby; she wanted to be as prepared as possible for when it was time to have hers. A lot of her friends and family were unhappy that Cristiano had returned after what had happened between them and it seemed that only a couple of people seemed to understand and be pleased that the footballer was finally getting involved and making things right. The brunette frowned as she heard someone knocking on her front door, she wasn’t expecting anyone since it was her day off and she had insisted that she spent it alone relaxing. Looking at Toby who didn’t move from his place, Nicole rolled her blue eyes as she climbed off the couch as she waddled over to the front door so that she could answer it. The brunette opened the door and stared surprised to see Cristiano waiting outside for her, she raised an eyebrow at him as she allowed him into the house knowing that Jacob was still camped outside. “Sergio mentioned that it was your day off today,” Cristiano said as he shifted nervously, he had been speaking with her cousin a lot the last week to find out what he had missed; the Sevillian had threatened him first before he departed any information to the forward knowing that he meant a lot to Nicole. Cristiano stuff his hands into his jean pockets, making him look like a teenager; he wasn’t sure why he was so nervous when he had spoken to Nicole only a couple of days before. “I was wondering if we could spend the day together just to get to know each other again?” the footballer asked hopefully, he wanted to show that he was willing to make things work between him and Nicole.

“So what did you have planned?” she asked knowing it wasn’t the best plan for them to leave the house if they didn’t want to be followed; Cristiano smiled softly at her glad that she had agreed. The footballer had missed her more than anything and would do anything right now to make things right with her, hopefully before their son was born; he didn’t want their child growing up in a broken home. Nicole led Cristiano into the living room where Toby was laying; the Maltese jumped up and raced over to Cristiano when he spotted him. Cristiano smiled and stroked Toby while he sat down on the couch, he was surprised that the puppy was being so welcoming to him. “I was thinking we could maybe… sort things out for the baby,” the footballer said hopefully making Nicole sigh knowing he meant the baby’s room; she felt a little guilty that he wouldn’t be able to help her in anyway with that. “Everything’s pretty much sorted here… Sergio and the others wanted to have it finished before I was too far along,” she said making Cristiano frown at another thing he had missed out on; the former couple sat in awkward silence as the footballer sighed and let his head fall into his hands as he thought about how much of a mess this all was. “I really messed things up, didn’t I?” he asked making Nicole nod at him sadly, she knew that honesty was the best thing right know; Cristiano felt tears fill his eyes that he couldn’t stop from falling. The brunette sighed and moved to comfort him, she knew that they had a lot to talk about; she had so many questions and she wasn’t sure what to say.

Cristiano swallowed as he ran a hand through his hair, his mind going back to two months earlier when everything had fallen apart; he knew that Nicole deserved to know why he had done what he had. “Before we lost the Euros, Carlos said I had to stop focusing on you and the baby that I should be more concerned about the team and my game. I guess when you mentioned the baby’s appointment everything just came back and I snapped,” Cristiano said making Nicole nod not sure what to make of what he had, she knew he’d had a lot of pressure on him back then but whenever she had tried to talk to him about it, he had just brushed her away. The brunette rested a hand on her bump as she felt a small movement, she was thirty-four weeks pregnant and she needed to get this sorted out if they wanted to move forward before the baby was born. “When I came back and you were gone, I fell apart and then the guys said I should give you some space to calm down,” Cristiano said regretting that he hadn’t acted sooner, he had always thought that she would come back when she was ready but she hadn’t. Nicole opened her mouth to say something before she gasped and rested a hand on her stomach, she rubbed her tenderly as Cristiano looked at her alarmed.

“Por favor, tell me you don’t need to go the hospital,” the footballer said knowing it was way too early for their baby to be born; the last thing that he wanted was for everything to go wrong now. Nicole smiled at him and shook her head as she rubbed her stomach, she didn’t know why the baby had started kicking now; she had a feeling that it had something to do with Cristiano being with them. “Your son inherited your foot work,” the brunette said making the foot smile before Nicole took another sharp breath as the baby kicked again; Cristiano looked down at Nicole’s stomach and frowned, Nicole rested her hand against her stomach and she watched him closely, she knew what he wanted. “You can feel if you want,” the brunette said making him look up at her, his brown eyes had been focused on her stomach since he had yet to experience the joy of feeling his son kick; Nicole took one of Cristiano’s hands and rested under her own and a few seconds later they were rewarded with a kick. Cristiano looked down at her stomach and smiled in awe as he felt his son kick; it felt like the most amazing thing in the world and he wasn’t sure how to describe it. The two didn’t realise how close they were until Cristiano moved his hand and looked up at Nicole, whose breath caught at his closeness; she was surprised that she hadn’t noticed it before.

Cristiano licked his lips gently before he leaned forward and slowly gave Nicole a hesitant kiss; Nicole froze for a second, then she started to kiss him back, she had missed him more than she cared to admit. Nicole’s hand tangled into Cristiano’s hair and he sighed into the kiss before he pulled away and rested his head on her shoulder; his heart pounded in his chest as he realised that he would do anything to make this right. “I will make this up to you,” the footballer promised making her smile as he gently kissed her neck and pulled back to look into her blue eyes; Cristiano kissed Nicole again as they thought about everything that had happened in the past. The pair shared short kisses until it was time for Cristiano to leave, he kissed Nicole sensually and sighed knowing that Jacob was still hovering around and was probably waiting for the sight of Cristiano leaving so he could report back to his editor. “He’ll be gone soon,” the footballer promised as Nicole nodded her head, she allowed him to give her one last kiss before he stepped out of her house preparing to leave before it got too late. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” the brunette asked making Cristiano stop and look at her, he smiled and nodded his head knowing that he would do anything to win her back.

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