What Can We Do?

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“You’re still pregnant… Oh, I'm sorry. I know how uncomfortable you are,” Sara said as she smiled at Nicole as she arrived the next morning to see if the brunette had, had the baby over night; she looked behind her at Alexis and Caroline who had come with her. Nicole let out a loud groan to emphasise how happy Alexis was about her still being pregnant; the brunette was wearing a blue maternity 3/4 sleeve bubble hem top and navy maternity skinny jeans paired with black leather ankle boots. “You know what? You look great. Yeah, like fifty euros,” Caroline said smiling as she shot a pointed look at Alexis while the dark haired woman frowned knowing that she had lost money over this; Nicole furrowed her brow as she allowed them into her home. The brunette didn’t know why they were so pleased about her being still pregnant, she rested a hand on her stomach as they headed for the living room; she had a doctor’s appointment in about an hour and she wasn’t expecting anyone to come and see her today. “I have to pee again. Apparently this baby thinks that my bladder is a squeeze toy,” she complained and went to the bathroom, allowing the others to talk once she was out of the room; they couldn’t help but be a little pleased at the turn of events since it appeared that the baby wasn’t going to come any time soon. “Damn it. Here's your fifty euros,” Alexis grumbled once Nicole was gone and paid Caroline and Sara the money that she owed; she pouted a little annoyed that the baby hadn’t come over night but she’d known before she had come that it hadn’t.

“Double or nothing that she has it by tomorrow,” Alexis said determined to win against the two women, just as Cristiano entered the house looking tired; he hadn’t heard what was going on since he’d just returned from training. “Nicole’s in the bathroom,” Caroline informed him as she looked at him concerned, she could see that things weren’t going all too well for him while Nicole was this heavily pregnant and overdue; she couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. “Coli, we got to go,” Cristiano called but flinched when she shouted back at him, he sighed knowing that the sooner that this baby came the better; he wanted his normal girlfriend back and not the monster that had replaced her. “Cris, are you okay?” Sara asked as she noticed his ruffled appearance if those bags under his eyes were any suggestion, he wasn't getting much sleep lately and she knew that it had to be down to Nicole’s sudden behaviour; the brunette was uncomfortable and she was taking it out on the man who had done that to her. “Yeah, it's just hard you know? Seeing her in pain... plus, it doesn't really help that she's so angry with me for putting her in that state and she’s forced me to sleep on the couch,” Cristiano said as he ran a hand through his hair wishing that there was something that he could do to make her feel better about the extension of her pregnancy.


The car ride was a bit better than Cristiano had expected since Nicole allowed him to hold her hand which was the most contact she'd allowed in days, since she had decided that it was his fault that she was in this position. However any hope he had of being completely forgiven was quickly squished when they entered the examination room; it became all too clear that she was still very much angry, or at the very least irritated with him. “Jeez Ronaldo, breath louder, why don't you?” the brunette complained as they waited for their midwife to join them to check Nicole over and see if they were any closer to the birth of their son. Cristiano muttered something under his breath making Nicole turn on him; she wasn’t in the best of moods and she knew that it was wrong to take it out on Cristiano but with all the hormones, she couldn’t stop herself. “Excuse me?” she snapped making Cristiano sigh and face her, he knew that he’d have to face the music and at least she was talking to him; he didn’t know what he would do if she was giving him the silent treatment.

“It’s just you've been a little short with me lately. I'm not trying to irritate you,” Cristiano said grumpily the lack of sleep finally showing while Nicole rolled her eyes; she knew that he was tired but he wasn’t carrying a baby that was refusing to leave his body. “Well then you just must have a natural talent for it,” the brunette grumbled making Cristiano sigh deciding not to fight with her, he knew that it would only end up upsetting the both of them and they didn’t deserve that right now; the footballer wanted them to be happy even if for a moment. “Seriously, breathe louder Cristiano that's great,” she said making Cristiano close his eyes, as he tried to ignore her, he didn’t want to snap knowing that she’d just take it the wrong way; she wasn’t trying to hurt him with her words that he knew she didn’t mean. The couple were silent until their midwife entered the room, she smiled at the couple as she checked the file in her hands; she had heard them bickering from outside and she knew that it had something to do with the pregnancy running longer than it should. “Hola Allison, how are you?” Nicole asked pleasantly making Cristiano look at her annoyed, he knew that she wasn’t doing this on purpose but he couldn’t help but be irritated over the fact that she was being nice to the midwife and not him. “So, eight days late huh?” Allison commented making Nicole nodded while Cristiano sighed knowing he was now going to get the silent treatment, he crossed his arms wondering what he would do if this continued.

“You must be a little uncomfortable,” Allison said making the brunette nod as the midwife checked Nicole over and smiled up at her; she knew that it wouldn’t be long now until the baby was born and then the fun would begin. “You're about 80 per cent effaced, so you're on your way. It still could last a while longer. If you're anxious there are a few ways to help things along,” Allison said making Cristiano look up eagerly making Allison laugh, knowing how Nicole had been recently. The footballer licked his lips eager to know how to put an end to the pregnancy that was making his girlfriend an evil monster and he wanted her back; he didn’t know how much more he could take before he was forced to do something. “There are things you can do… just some home remedies; there’s a herbal tea you can drink, you can take some castor oil, there's eating spicy foods, taking a long walk, and then there's the one that's proved most effective; sex,” Allison said making Nicole frown and glare at the absolutely delighted Cristiano, she hadn’t touched him much since she had entered the extra week of pregnancy. The couple looked at each other for a moment before Nicole frowned, she didn’t know why she would go through something like that when it had ended like this. “You just love that one don’t you?” the brunette asked with accusing glare, Cristiano looked down at the brunette before he moved closer to her; he knew that he would have her one way or another knowing that this could put an end to all of this.

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