Why Won't He Come Out?

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Nicole lay comfortably between Cristiano’s legs as they curled up on the couch together, they had a couple of friends around and were settled in the living room; the brunette was very heavily pregnant and was now on her maternity leave. Cristiano was rubbing soothing circles on her bloated stomach, occasionally placing a kiss on the side of her neck; he knew that she was a little uncomfortable and he didn’t blame her, she was huge bur he would never tell her that. “So are you guys ready for that charity event next week?” Sergio asked as he looked away from the television, while he was curled up with Alexis who rolled her eyes at her boyfriend; she knew that he was excited about the baby especially since he wanted someone new to spoil. Nicole smiled up at Cristiano knowing that they wouldn’t be there, they had turned down the invites as soon as they knew that they’d have their little boy. “Well obviously we won't be able to come… for those of you that haven't checked their calendars, today is my due day,” she said excitedly making Cristiano chuckle as he kissed her softly; they were both excited about this and couldn’t wait to have their little boy in their arms. Their friends smiled knowing how much this meant to the couple, they had put the past behind them and focusing on their future with their son; he was going to be the most important thing to them.

“I just want to take a moment and Gracias for how great you've been during the last few months… I really couldn't have done it without you and even though I am so looking forward to the next part, I am really gonna miss being pregnant,” Nicole said smiling making Sergio gag at how sweet his cousin was being, her hormones had made her softer and he was going to miss her like this. Vera chuckled as she watched the two couples, she didn’t mind hanging out with them since she enjoyed their company plus with Jessica no longer hovering around making people so uncomfortable it made things a lot easier for everyone. “Aww Coli… way to make us all emotional,” Sergio teased and pretended to wipe tears from his eyes making Nicole stuck her tongue out at him then muttered that he should shut up if he wanted to keep his precious hair, making them all smile and laugh knowing how much he loved his hair even now that he had hacked off his precious long locks. “Oh pregnancy hormones… how I'll miss you as well,” Sergio muttered sarcastically under his breath, before dodging a flying shoe coming from where Nicole was sat glaring at him.


Nearly a week later, Nicole waddled into her living room looking very unhappy as she rested her hand on her still swollen stomach; she glared at the group of gathered footballers who were there for a relaxing afternoon. “That’s right still no baby,” the brunette exclaimed making everyone look at her alarmed, it was no secret that as Nicole’s pregnancy continued she started to become more unbearable to be around; they all hoped that she’d have the baby soon before she snapped completely. The brunette sighed as made her way towards the couch that currently held Sergio, Pepe and Sami; they all shifted nervously wondering what she wanted. “Come on people; please make some room,” she said and motioned to the guys to move on the sofa; she was so uncomfortable that she hadn’t thought that it was possible. Cristiano sighed and quickly stood from his seat, while his three team mates looked at Nicole slightly scared; he knew that it couldn’t be long now until the baby was born. “Amor maybe you'd be more comfortable here,” Cristiano offered hoping to make her comfortable, she was pushing him away and there was nothing that he could do to make this easier on her. Nicole quickly glared at him making several of the WAGs chuckle as the forward flinch at the dark look that she shot him; she had made it clear that this was all his fault.

“You… like you haven't done enough,” Nicole snapped darkly her voice full of loathing making several of the team laugh glad that it was directed at them; the footballer knew that if he didn’t do something soon then she was likely to shout at him again. “Look, I know how miserable you are, I wish there was something I could do. I mean I wish I were a seahorse…” Cristiano begged as Nicole continued to glare at him, most of his team mates shook their heads mournfully at what was to come; the brunette was far from easy to deal with right now and it was clear that their friend was in her bad books. “Because with seahorses it's the male, they carry the babies… and I'd be far away in the sea,” Cristiano finished, shrinking under the death glare coming his way from Nicole, before he sat back down when it was obvious she wasn't going to accept the armchair from him even if she would be more comfortable there. Once he was back in his seat, Nicole turned away from him to look at the trio on the sofa, who wasted no time before squeezing together to make room for her. Nicole was scary now that she was in pain of being a week late, the brunette looked at the space incredulously, then back at them with raised eyebrows. Sergio measured the room they had made with his arm and then looked at the others alarmed which caused them to hurry in moving again; he didn’t want to end up like Cristiano since it was clear that it wasn’t the place to be.

“God, I've never been so uncomfortable my entire life,” she groaned as she sat down, she didn’t know why the baby had come yet and she was beginning to wonder if it would ever come out; she was determined to push her baby into the world one way or another. “Oh, I know. I've been there. I remember towards the end…” Caroline said making Kaka smile proudly as she spoke about her pregnancies with both of their children until the brunette interrupted her; she could clear less what the Brazilian had to say right now since it wasn’t going to make her baby come any sooner. “Oh Caroline, that's a great story, can you tell it to me while you're getting some iced tea?” she asked making Kaka frown at her interruption while Carolina nodded her head knowing that it wasn’t the brunette talking but the hormones; she pushed herself to her feet and patted her husband on the shoulder knowing that he wasn’t pleased. Nicole groaned again, looked at her bloated stomach wondering why this was taking so long, she had done everything right and she didn’t understand what was going on; she just wanted to have her baby now. “Oh God, get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!” she cried making the footballers jump and look at one another and exchange looks; they knew that now would be the right time to leave and come back later when Nicole wasn’t home. Cristiano sighed and glanced at his heavily pregnant girlfriend, he hoped that his son would be born soon because this could only get worse.


It wasn’t long before the footballers returned to Nicole and Cristiano’s home, once they were sure that the brunette had gone to see her boss about something work related even if she was on maternity leave right now. No one really wanted to risk getting their head bitten off if they said the wrong thing and angered her; you do not anger a pregnant woman, no matter if you're a famous footballer or not. There was no way of ever knowing what they're capable of doing, it was better to pick the safe way and just stay away all together until she had had the baby. However their happiness was short lived, with a bang of the door, an angry Nicole walked in making everyone stiffen; they all turned slowly to face the brunette who stormed into her living room where they were all sat around. “Hola, did you have the baby yet?” joked Karim making everyone turned towards him, shaking their heads and trying to get him to shut up not wanting to anger Nicole; it was clear that she would not see that as a joke right now. The brunette turned to him making the Frenchman swallow hard as he realised what his joke was going to get him into a lot of trouble; Nicole was not someone to joke with right now. “Do you want me to come over there and sit on you because I'll do it,” she threatened making Frenchman pale, he shook his head as he shrunk away from Nicole frightened of what she could do to him. Iker sensing that Nicole was in a worse mood from this morning quickly attracted her attention, he knew that she was likely to go for anyone who said anything that didn’t sound right to her. “Hola, what are you doing home so early?” Iker asked, effectively turning her attention away from Karim, who looked relieved that she was no longer focused on him; the brunette set down her bag as she looked at Iker.

“Eileen sent me home from work, said that she could handle everything. Well you know what? Screw her if she doesn't want me there, I'll just hang out with you guys,” the brunette said making all the men look around panicked trying to think of ways out of this while the women smiled at her; they knew it was hard on Nicole even if she was a bit of a grump. “Or, you can do volunteer work,” Karim suggested suddenly and everyone eagerly nodded their heads while Nicole rolled her eyes; she knew that she wasn’t a pleasure to be around but none of them understood what she was going through. “I have to pee if I don't come out in five minutes it's because I've choked to death on the potpourri stink,” Nicole grumbled and waddled to the downstairs bathroom, leaving everyone alone; they all uttered a sigh of relief knowing that Cristiano would be home soon since he’d had to pop out.

“She's over a week late, she's got to have it today right?” Alexis said making the two women look at her; Caroline sighed at the thought while Sara shook her head knowing that it could still be a while which worried her a little. Caroline grinned at the other two women as an idea formed in her mind, she knew that it was wrong but she didn’t see what the harm could do. “How about we make this interesting… I bet you both she’ll have it by this time tomorrow,” she said confidently, she had a good feeling that the baby would come soon and then everyone could relax; the other two women looked at her before nodding their heads however they didn’t get a chance to say anymore as Nicole shouted for some help getting off of the toilet. Alexis rolled her eyes as she moved to help her friend while the other two women grinned, they were going to make some money someway and this was a good way to do so.

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