Getting Back Together

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Cristiano sighed as he made Nicole a cup of decaf coffee, he couldn’t believe that someone had done that to her while she was heavily pregnant; the footballer had been fielding any phone calls that came to the house while he sent the brunette for a relaxing bath. He knew that a lot of people were annoyed that he wasn’t letting anyone speaking to Nicole but he didn’t want them harassing the brunette and upsetting her more than they needed to. “You don’t need to do that,” Nicole said softly as she walked into the kitchen, she was relieved that he hadn’t left while she was in the bath and she had heard the phone ringing while she was upstairs and the last thing that she wanted to do was speak with anyone about what had happened. Cristiano looked at the brunette and smiled, he was glad to see her looking better than when they had arrived back at her house; she was dressed in a grey long maternity nightie and looked relaxed now, he sighed wishing that he could have prevented this. “I’m fine Cris… if there was anything wrong they would have taken me to the hospital,” Nicole said as she approached the footballer, she had known Cristiano long enough to see when something was upsetting him; he took a deep breath as he pulled her into his arms and held her close as he tried to calm himself down. When he had received the call from the police officer, Cristiano had suffered a horrible flashback of Jesse pointing a gun at Nicole an how he had come close to losing the brunette; he didn’t think he could cope if something happened to her or their unborn son.

“I nearly lost you again,” Cristiano whimpered as he clung to Nicole, he couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to her even if they weren’t together anymore; she meant a lot to him and she always would. The brunette sighed as she wrapped her arms around his waist and held him as close as she could while she was heavily pregnant; she knew that this was bound to reawaken those memories but they were past that now and were moving on. “You’ll never lose me… I’m always right in here,” Nicole said as she rested a hand on his chest, she could feel his heart pounding in his chest under her hand; she knew that she would never be able to replace him in her life and she never wanted to. The footballer swallowed as he looked at the brunette, they had been through so much that he wasn’t sure what to do anymore; but Nicole’s words were what he needed to hear right now. “Forgive me?” Cristiano begged knowing that he would do anything she wanted right now to win her back, he needed her in his life like he needed to breath; he wanted her back more than anything but if she was happy like this then he would let her go. Nicole sighed as she rested her head against his chest, she had done a lot of thinking since he had walked back into her life and she had realised one thing and that was she would always love him. “There’s nothing to forgive,” Nicole whispered making Cristiano rest his head against hers, he knew they still had a lot of work to do but he was willing to do it so that he could have her back.


Nicole sipped on her drink as Toby lay at her feet, she knew that they had to talk about this especially with a baby due in five weeks’ time; the brunette looked at Cristiano who seemed a little on edge about what they could say. “Okay… so what do we do now?” the footballer asked needing to know, he couldn’t stand the thought of her turning him away not now that everything was finally looking up; he needed to know what was in his future before he got attached again. The brunette looked at him knowing that they had a lot of work to do on their relationship, they had been a part for two months and things had changed for the two of them in some way. “I can’t carry on like this forever Coli… I need some guidance on what the future holds for us,” Cristiano said as he ran a hand through his hair, he was stressing himself out worrying right now what was going to happen between them; Nicole sighed as she set her decaf coffee on her coffee table and turned to face him.

The brunette carefully took Cristiano’s hand knowing that he was right, however she was a little nervous about what would happen when she next spoke; she was worried that he would push her away again. “I was thinking that maybe we could get back together,” Nicole suggested carefully, she watched as Cristiano’s brown eyes snapped to her blue eyes; he swallowed as her words sunk in and a smile formed on his face as he realised she wanted to get back together as much as he did. The footballer smiled as he pulled her closer to him, he quickly brushed a hand through her hair and kissed her softly knowing that he had been waiting for this for a long time. “I’ve missed you,” Cristiano said as he held Nicole close and rested his head against hers, everything was finally looking up and he wasn’t going to allow anything to mess this up; he was determined to make this work. “I’ve missed you too,” Nicole said as she kissed him again, she didn’t know how she had managed two months without him; she had missed him so much that no words could describe how she felt now with him back in her life.


“I’ll move in here,” Cristiano said softly as he climbed into bed, his brown eyes watched her form as she prepared for bed; he hadn’t wanted to leave her in case she changed her mind about getting back together. Nicole glanced at the footballer and nodded her head, she was a little surprised since she knew how much his own home meant to him; it had been the first house he had moved into when he had left Manchester to come and play for Real Madrid. “You don’t mind?” Nicole asked making Cristiano shake his head, he smiled at her as she climbed into bed and got comfortable; the footballer watched her knowing that everything would be fine now. Cristiano was determined to make things right between them, he was glad that she had taken him back but he wanted to prove to her that she had made the right decision in taking him back. “I don’t… this is where I want to be,” Cristiano said as he wrapped his arms around Nicole, his hand rested lightly on her bump; he couldn’t have been happier that they were back together and he knew that this was his last chance otherwise he would lose her forever. Nicole nodded her head knowing that her birthday was fast approaching, she had never shared the date with her boyfriend and she knew that she wouldn’t do so this year; her birthday was a sore point with her and always would be. The couple settled down to bed, they knew that getting back together wasn’t going to be easy and that there would be a few people that weren’t going to be happy about them getting back together. Cristiano closed his eyes knowing that for the first time in months, he would be able to sleep well; he had no idea that he was close to missing Nicole’s twenty-sixth birthday.

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