Surprise Baby Shower

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“Where are we going?” Nicole asked as she sat in Cristiano’s black BMW M6, she was wearing a purple maternity T-shirt with V-neck and black maternity jegging paired navy leather ankle boots; she also had one of her boyfriend’s ties wrapped around her eyes so that she couldn’t see anything. “Relax amor… we are nearly there,” Cristiano said as he rested a hand on her knee and gave it a comforting squeeze, he hoped that she would be happy with what he had done instead of celebrating her birthday; he wasn’t going to give up on getting her to enjoy her birthday. Nicole huffed a little annoyed as she crossed her arms, she didn’t know what he had planned but she could tell that it was something big if he had blindfolded. It wasn’t long before the car pulled to a stop making the brunette furrow her brow, she glanced over to where she knew Cristiano was as he climbed out of the car; she sighed knowing that soon he’d have to take the blindfold off her eyes. The footballer opened the passenger door and helped her out of the car, he made sure that she had her black cross body bag with chunky lock before leading her into the house; he took a deep breath as he carefully walked her forward being careful that he didn’t trip her up. Cristiano grinned as he led Nicole into the house, he wrapped his arms around her knowing that he would never be able to forget losing her but he was going to do his best to make up for it. “Okay,” the forward said as he stopped walking, he took a deep breath as he carefully moved to remove his tie from around her eyes as a smile formed on his face before he pulled it off.


Cristiano chuckled as he sipped on his drink, he had left Nicole alone with the other women to enjoy

her surprise baby shower while he spoke with some of his friends; he was avoiding a couple of her relatives that weren’t happy about them getting back together. “You look happy,” Hugo mused as he sat next to his younger brother, he knew just how much the footballer had suffered when he had broken up with Nicole; he was glad to see that too much damage hadn’t been done and that they could move past what had happened, even if others couldn’t. Cristiano nodded his head as a smile formed on his face, he couldn’t believe that it had nearly been a week since Nicole had taken him back and she was glad that she had; she meant so much to him that it hurt to think of a future without her with him. “So how does it feel… only four weeks left until the due date?” Hugo asked as he eyed his brother, he was a father himself and knew how much the birth would change Cristiano’s life; it would change everything for him and he hoped that the forward was prepared for what was to come. Cristiano swallowed as he nodded his head, it hadn’t eluded him that it wouldn’t be long until he was a father; he couldn’t wait to be able to hold his son in his arms however there was one major obstacle in his way before any of that could happen. It was the one thing that seemed to haunt his thoughts and that was the birth itself, sure he would have a son at the end of it but he didn’t know if he would be able to watch Nicole in pain. “It’ll be okay… Nicki is stronger than she looks and I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Hugo said sensing what was bothering his younger brother, he knew it wouldn’t be easy for him but he was going to have to be strong for Nicole’s sake and his own.


“You look amazing,” Evelyn said as she hugged Nicole, she couldn’t remember the last time that she had seen the brunette looking so well; Cristiano’s return had certainly been a good thing since she had worried for her sister-in-law. Nicole smiled at her, she had turned to Evelyn a lot when she had broken up with the footballer; she knew her brothers would never understand and with Vera by her side, she had been able to cope with her pregnancy alone for a while. “So how are things with you and Cristiano?” Vera asked she was happy for her friend and was sure that this could only lead to happier things for the brunette; she knew how much Nicole had been through and how much the footballer meant to her. “Things are going well… he’s being a little overprotective,” Nicole admitted with a soft smile, she knew that he was still a little on edge after what had happened at the art gallery and she was aware that he had talked with her boss about what had happened as well. Evelyn nodded her head understandingly while Jessica rolled her eyes annoyed, she was the only one of the brunette’s close friends that didn’t seem pleased about the fact that Nicole had taken the footballer back; she was sure that her friend could do better without him. “That’s good,” Alexis said as she shoot Jessica a warning look, she didn’t want the blonde upsetting her best friend because of her feelings; it was Nicole’s choice and she hadn’t been happy without Cristiano in her life even if she had tried to get on with her life. An awkward silence sort of fell over the group as Nicole rested a hand on her bump, she was all too aware of how Jessica felt about her relationship as was everyone else and it made Nicole wonder if her friend was ever going to get over what had happened in the past.

“So have you thought about names?” Katia asked as she tried to ease some of the tension, she ignored the glare from Jessica knowing that the younger woman was going to be a problem if she didn’t change her attitude. Nicole looked at Cristiano’s older sister grateful for the distraction, she knew that if someone didn’t pull the attention away from Jessica then there was going to be trouble; Jessica was slowly beginning to annoy the brunette and Nicole wasn’t sure if there friendship could survive. “We have talked about a couple,” the brunette revealed carefully, she didn’t want to reveal anything yet since she and Cristiano wanted to keep it quiet and she knew that someone here could easily reveal the names to the press out of spite. Talk quickly turned back to the pregnancy and soon everyone was starting to enjoy themselves; Jessica knocked back her drink and walked out of the living room, she couldn’t find it in her to be happy for Nicole. The brunette had everything that she wanted, she knew that Nicole had no idea what was going on outside of her own life; Jessica’s break up had been hidden from everyone else and she knew that William was moving on with his life but she was still hurting. Jessica moved too get herself another drink, she didn’t care that Alexis and Nicole were worried about her; she hadn’t wanted to share her break up news with the two since they were in happy relationships.

The blonde entered the kitchen and quickly made her way towards the alcoholic drinks, she knew that she could never be happy for Nicole; the brunette didn’t seem to understand that Cristiano would hurt her again and then she’d have to raise a baby alone without him. Jessica knocked back her drink knowing that maybe it was time that she tried her hand at becoming a WAG like her friend.

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