~Chloe x Chris|Genderbent|OneShot~

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Chloe was sitting on the bench, reading her manga book, as always, and also eating her packed lunch. Chris was looking for a table to do his homework, but the only available one was the one with Chloe on it. He had no choice but to sit there, as all the other tables were occupied. He approached the table and quietly sat down on the edge of the bench. He slowly took out his R.E book and began to draw for his leaflet. He was, actually, a great drawer. Chloe looked up and gave a little sigh.

A little later on, Chloe stopped reading and got out her science homework. "Ugh haven't finished it and it's due for tomorrow.." She mumbled. She was just getting her pencil case, until the wind came and blew her homework away, towards Chris' direction. " Oh flip.." She put her head into hands. Chris, just in time, looked up as the piece of paper brushed passed his hair. He noticed Chloe and caught sight of the floating paper. He got up..and ran for it. "Wait, what..?"
Just before the paper flew over the school gate, Chris caught the end piece of it. "Oh thank gosh I caught it" he whispered to himself, and ran back all the way to the bench, to Chloe. He handed it back to her, then began to pack. "Oh..umm..thanks, but I didn't-" RINNGGG The bell rang and as soon as Chloe put in her bag, Chris had already left.

Later on, when it was lunch, Chloe decided, for some reason, to watch the football practice game. She sat on the high part of the chairs, and placed her bag beside. She brought out some grapes and began eating it. Little did she know, Chris was in the football team playing.
It was time for Chris to kick the ball, when it accidentally went towards Chloe's direction. "Whatt? She ducked just in time, as the ball brushed passed her and hit the wall. "Dude! Watch out where your kicking!" She stood up and got ready to leave. "Jeez, alright, calm down! Just pass me the ball" he let out his hands, signalling for the ball. She reluctantly picked it up and threw it hard. Chris caught it, but fell on the ground. He stood up reluctantly but continued with the game. She walked down the stairs and left. But they both didn't know, that Chloe was smiling while she walked and Chris smiled too while playing.

Sorry if this is quite short, as I couldn't think of anymore, but I hope you liked it and thanks for support. :) ^_^
If this is bad then it's bad. If it's good then it's good. It's ok whether it's bad or good actually, just like writing fanfics now :)

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