~Cherlie - Cherry x Charlie|Genderbent|Oneshot|PART 2~

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After school, Cherry met up with Charlie at the gate. "Oh hey. Thanks for waiting for me"

"No problem. Now let's go before we miss a bus" Cherry replied and began walking. Kiku and Angela peered around the wall and smiled. "Ok Angela, let's go-"

"Hey?! What the hell are we doing? Are we gonna like stalk them to see-" Kiku wasn't listening, grabbed her wrist and dragged her out the gate. "Shh! Can you be quiet! Now your the one being loud. And plus, now were taking up the story, whereas this is about them, not us!" Kiku was quite mad, but she calmed herself. "Whatever.." Angela just had to agree.

Back to Cherry and Charlie. They were almost near the bus stop, when it began raining. They quickly ran to the shelter, when Cherry slipped, but luckily Charlie caught her. Their eyes then met. "Oh..umm..thank you..well come on, before we get soaked!"

"Oh yea...ok" He put you down and both ran carefully but quickly. They sat down in silence and waited for the bus. Cherry wiped her wet hair and Charlie wiped his uniform.
5 mins later, Cherry saw the 307 in the distance. "Hey Charlie, bus is here." He looked up and gave a small sigh. They scanned their bus passes and sat at the very back. "So Cherry, where you getting off?"

"Um, Lavender Road. How about you Charlie?"

"2 stops before you. Brooklyn road."

"Oh ok." Cherry smiled. It continued to rain outside throughout the whole journey. Kiku and Angela sat at the very back. "Are we really doing this?" Angela rooked her eyes. "Just shh" Kiku was too focused on them. Back to the main stuff. Cherry was staring outside, thinking about when Charlie catched her. His eyes were so amazing...oh wow Cherry you shouldn't be thinking about this. Your just friends, ok? She tried to stop bit she couldn't. Charlie was looking down at the floor, also thinking. Her eyes were so pretty...Charlie, we talked about this. He tried too but couldn't help it.

10 minutes later. Only 1 bus stop before Charlie gets off. "Hey, thanks for the help earlier." He smiled. "No problem." Cherry had a feeling that they were already close. The bus was slowing down and Charlie stood up walking towards the door. But before that, he turned around. "Hey, um, I actually just had this feeling that we are going to be really good friends." Was he reading her mind? Practically not, but she was surprised. "Oh um, yea me too.."

"Hey Cherry? Umm...it's quite awkward to ask this but, can we be really close friends? Cause like your kind and pretty and-" The bus stopped in a sudden making Charlie lean backwards on the pole. "Well umm, gotta go! Uh see you tomorrow? Yeah, obviously. We good? I mean yea.." He just stopped, smiled and walked off hurriedly. Cherry blushed. I think this will go out more than I expected. She smiled and continued her journey home.

1 week later. Friday, July 7

It was a sunny day, and they had a school trip. Year 7 and 8 had to go Alton Towers, Year 9 had to go to a water park. Cherry and Charlie were both Year 9 and so they both brought their equipment. Cherry had a bright red bikini swimsuit and Charlie had bright blue shorts. They all met in front of the school and after waiting for everyone, they went in the coach and travelled off.


They all arrived at the entrance, with the teachers shouting loudly as there were loads of Year 9 students. "Alright everyone! You can now get into partners and go wherever you like! Just don't so anything silly or bad and meet back at the exit at 19:50pm ok! Now go have fun!" It was only 14:30, so they had loads of hours. Everyone had rushed in already with their partners, leaving Cherry and Charlie behind, as always. "Welp, guess you two are partners..as always..have fun!" The teacher gave a slight laugh. She was sometimes annoying. She and the other teacher walked off to the cafe shop, and Cherry and Charlie just looked at each other. "Oh well, come on Charlie! Can we see the bumper carts?"

"Ok cherry...anything for you.."

"What was that?"

"Oh I said ok let's go!" Cherry was already skipping away, with Charlie catching up behind. She had a big smile on her face. Charlie reached for her hand and held it. She stopped and looked at their linked hands. They looked up and the eyes had met. She gave a slight smile, showing a hint of what Charlie looked for. Ok Charlie..Yes. They walked off, linked together and spent the rest of the day with each other.

Hey guys! So yea, hoped you like part 2. It took me quite a long time to think what to type but I finally got it. Thanks for all the support again, and see you with another story :)

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