~Kayla x Kyle|Genderbent|OneShot~

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December 7. Kayla was chilling in the sofa on her phone, while her mum muddled about the house. "Hey Kayla? Is it ok if you babysit Kiki while I go bingo with Lily's mum? Ok thanks. See ya!" Kayla's mum grabbed the car keys and slammed the door behind her. "Dahhh!! I didn't even answer! I hate it when she does that...and do I have to? Ughhh..." She raised her voice a bit in a tone of annoyance when the door shut and slumped back at the chair. She was just 13.

"Kaywa?" Kiki never said her name correct. It's understandable anyways. She's just 6 years old.

"What now Kiki?"


"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" This literally made her extremely mad. Kiki walked slowly towards her, clutching Softy to her chest. (Softy was the name of her teddy, as it felt so soft)

"Umm...hewo.." And she rushed back to her room.

"AHHH! So annoying!" Kayla slumped back again and grabbed the TV remote. She turned on the telly and moved the  channel to 'Fairy Tail'. "Ooh yes. Finally something to cheer me up.." And she watched it there for like hours.

Kiki, upstairs in her room, was playing tea party, with her dolls, on the stairs. "La la la. Ooh! Hewo der sofy! Want shome tee?" She still tried to work out how to pronounce a few words.
It was only when she was about to pour some 'tea' into Softy's cup, that the telephone rang. She placed the cup carefully down and crawled towards the phone. She grabbed the phone clumsily and answered, "Hewo? Whosh shpeaking?" The other end of the line gave out a slight chuckle. "Oh hi there Kiki. It's Kayla's friend, Kyle. Is it ok if I speak to her?" Kiki already ran straight down to Kayla. She was eating crisps and now watching a comedy movie.

"Yes Kiki? What do you want to again?" She was still slightly annoyed.

"I tink your fwend Kyle wants to chalk choo u.." Kiki threw the phone on her belly and once again ran back up. Kayla rolled her eyes and picked up the phone. "Uh..hello?"

"Hey!...Umm Kayla, it's me Kyle. The one who sits next to you in chemistry?"

"Oh uh yes. Hi there. Wait, how did you get this number?

"Just a few this and that..well anyways, you know that the Christmas ball is coming soon and uh...I was..uh..umm" He was extremely nervous of what to ask next.

Kayla gave out a slight laugh, "Are you asking me to be your partner?"


"Oh..um..ok..well just wanna ask, why me? Your the second hottest guy in school and there's other girls like Maddison and uh...oh.." Realising what she just said, made her feel embarrassed.

"Wait, did you just call me second hottest? Who's the first? Liam Rowswell? Wow, not being rude, but I think i look more hot. And why would I date an extreme girly girl? I mean-

"Woah woah woah! I asked you first, now stop asking me questions and answer my question!"

"Ok ok jeez calm down alright? I've noticed you sometimes looking at me, but whenever I look back, you look away. And plus, you kinda look cute in your fishtail..if that's what it's called.."

Kayla blushed and smiled.

They had been talking there for a few more minutes and they didn't realise it was already 09:30. "Oh shizz..sorry Kyle needa go. Mums coming home in half an hour and I should be sleeping."

"So, talk next time? Well actually, I was wandering if your free tomorrow? I could treat you...

"Well um..I'll see, ok? See ya" BEEP And she ended the call. She quickly rushed upstairs but then to see her sister sleeping against the wall, still clutching softy. "Aww I tink someone's sleepy too" Kayla, even though how much annoying Kiki is, she still loves her so much. She carried her up and carefully placed her in the small pink bed. After that, Kayla smiled, kissed Kiki on the forehead with a goodnight and crept out to her room.

It was 10:00 and Kayla heard her mum come in quietly, humming a tune to herself. "Well gotta doze now" Kayla whispered. She took her phone and texted Kyle.

Nite Kyle

Then closed her eyes.

Hey guys, sorry for the long chat, but anyways hope you like it. And yea, there will also be a part 2 of this chapter, as i only wanted this one to be short, so I hope that's ok too. So thank you again and see you soon...

P.S. Sorry for no pic as I couldn't find any, but I promise you guys that I'll put one in the next one:)

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