Chapter 1

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Athena's POV

Four years learning the ins and outs of magic and what do I get!? I get a visit from my teacher Malina.  "Athena you have done so well with your training. I know I took you from your normal life when you were 10 years old. But I'm sending you back to your normal life. You learned, so fast and I want you to learn normal human things."

"You-you're sending me back there!? My friends are all here and I HATE unimagic beings!" I screamed in her face. "Control your anger Athena. You know what happens when you lose control." Malina said with completely clam and stillness. Athena shot a death glare her eyes showing the flames. "Your right. I. Should. Control. My . Anger. " I said thought gritted teeth. "I'm going to take you back to earth myself, so I know you don't hide out here. You have two days." Malina told me as she left my room. She had been like a mother to me after I got to know her. My friends and I hate earth! "Malina you just had to send me back to earth during competition season? I wanted to use my powers!"


I didn't start packing as soon as Malina told me I had to leave the fire realm. My mind wasn't willing to accept the fact that I was really leaving. I hadn't even realized I walked to my tree in the forest. I climbed my gigantic oak tree 20 feet until I sat down. Then, a thought came to me; "I didn't even tell my friends that I'm leaving in two days! What are they going to think?!"  Little did I know that Brooklyn was at the base of my tree.  "Athena!? You-You're leaving the Fire realm! No! No! No! Why wouldn't you tell me!?" Brooklyn shouted at me. "Brooklyn I-I didn't know you were down there. Please let me explain!" I quickly replied trying to make him understand. I looked into his eyes and saw the flames. I had never imagined Brooklyn to give me such a look of pure fury; I could see a look of betrayal in his face.  Before I could move from my spot in the oak tree he speed away. "Brooklyn! No! Wait let me explain." I shouted as I started to climb down from the tree. Tears of fire rolled down my eyes, something I hadn't done in years. 

After I had escaped from the tree I started to search for Brooklyn. It was now 9:10 pm, I ran to Brooklyn's dorm room. I banged my fist on his door with speed and hope he would answer. "Brooklyn! Brooklyn please just let me explain! I was going to tell you!" I shouted with fire tears welling up in my eyes that I barely had control over.  He didn't answer I keep banging on his door until it was 10:36 pm.  I left his dorm room. I didn't look for him any longer.

Flashback four years ago Where we  first meet. It was at the training  site where everyone started training. I could just image him using blazing round house kick at his weak of a opponent  Louis. Louis tried to go for triple spark punch, but he missed. Brooklyn used Louis's outstretched hand to use a backwards fire charge. Louis went spiraling back with the force of the move. Brooklyn was draining Louis of his strength. Then, I watched as a Brooklyn shot a lightening ball at Louis. Louis saw it coming and tried attempting a  shield of flames; Brooklyn was to fast and the lightening  ball hit he straight in the face. I could just see the energy start to drain from Louis's face. Brooklyn's mouth formed a bright  smile, he knew that Louis was going to fail. Louis attempted to threw a fire arrow to strike him. Brooklyn just laughed and disintegrated the arrow. Before, Louis could surrender Brooklyn threw a bronze dragon at Louis; Louis was to weak on energy to do anything and all his power drained and he fell to the ground. None of the teachers intervened, so Louis's friends came to help there limping friend away. I then walked up to Brooklyn; he's eyes dark black brown eyes glowed with triumph and he's black shoulder length hair was shining. His face free all of worry, I could see from far away that he was my age. I then walked up to him, "That looked liked a great victory." I said with a smile. "Thanks, Louis is no where close to my level but I don't back out of a challenge." He told me with his eyes sparkling. "I could tell from the fight you to were not evenly matched at all." I replied with a little laugh. "I like your laugh. So, anyway what's your name?" He questioned. "Oh thanks, and my name is Athena. What's your name?" I questioned with curiosity in my voice. "My name's Brooklyn and welcome to the Fire Realm Athena." He replied with a blinding white smile. I didn't know that was the day I would meet my best friend in the Fire Realm. End of Flashback*

"Athena I just want you to know that this wasn't my decision. You have always been my favorite student." Malina said quietly. "Malina you've been like a mother to me. I want to know who told you to send me to earth." I responded. Malina's smile of happiness fell from her face. "Athena I can't tell you that. I would get into to much trouble." She said nervously.   I quenched my jaw with anger,  "Fine if you won't tell me then I'll find out myself." Malina not fazed by my anger pulled me into a hug. "Goodbye Athena I'll see you sooner then you think. At least try not to be discovered." She told me still hugging me.  "What do you mean you'll see sooner then I think? You know I can control my powers better then some teachers." I question truly confused.

"That's for me to know and you to find out later. Don't let me down Athena. Your parents will love seeing you again." Malina said pushing me thought the portal.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading that chapter! I had lots of fun writing it. Please share the story and vote. Also, please go read my friend's Story its called Gangster Girl and it's by cutebadgirl67! Go follow her and vote on her story. Seea later


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