Chapter 5

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Brooklyn's POV

I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid! I was so caught up in Athena not telling me she was leaving for earth, I didn't say goodbye! She probably thinks I hate her. Hate the word rang in my ears no I could never ever hate Athena.

"Athena I'm so sorry, I should have just listened to your explanation. She probably thinks I hate her!" I yelled out in shame of my actions. "God! Athena what have I done!? I should've controlled my anger!" My insides were all twisted and I felt completely reasonable for my idiotic actions.

Not saying goodbye to Athena was really taking its toll on me. I had slower reflexes during training, and my spells were barely working. That's why they say to control our anger, so we don't do stupid stuff like I did! I thought in my head with emotions swirling around in my head. Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts when my teacher Hades said,"Stop! Stop! Stop! Brooklyn what's wrong with you?! Your not even trying at all!" Everyone at training stared at me stopping there training to listen to Hades.
"Nothing is wrong Hades. I just can't concentrate on my spells! That's all there is to it." I replied back to his demanding question. I could feel everyone's eyes at training looking over at us. I didn't care thought, I've fought plenty of people with a crowded arena.

"Stop lying through your teeth Brooklyn. I can tell your distracted and that makes your spells dangerous to you and everyone around you. So, you can either leave training; or you can concentrate on your magic and stay." Hades declared with concern in his voice. I knew for a fact my actions directed at Athena were not going to leave me head. I also knew concentrating on my spells would be impossible, so I had only one choice. That choice was to leave training, but the thing is I had never left training early before, since being on the Fire Realm.
Hades was giving me a expected look with inpatients in his eyes. I looked at him in the eyes for a few seconds, then without a word stared walking out of the training site. I heard people gasping watching as I actually left training. "Brooklyn get back here right now! You need to be at training!" Hades yells at me with venom in his voice."Everyone else get back to your teachers lessons, and training practice." Hades finished off with a clenched jaw. Mostly everyone at training did what Hades said and went back to what they were doing,before Hades had yelled at me.
"Why would I go back to training Hades; when you gave me two Choices? One concentrate on my spells or two leave training, so I don't endanger my self  and others at training?" I questioned him with a challenging voice. I wasn't really confused I just felt like fighting with someone.

Hades looked at me with angered shock and replied, "I did Brooklyn but I told you to come back over here with that smart ass mouth of yours." "Ohhhhh!" Said the people who were still listening to us argue.
"I thought I told you to go back to training!" Hades shouted with annoyance clear in his voice. There was a lot of mumbling and people pretending to go back to training.
Well, Hades was busy yelling at them I kept walking away. Then in the distance I heard, "BROOKLYN BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Hades was screaming at me with rage. When I moved to step forward, I was blocked by a fire wall. The fire wall was keeping me away from my only exit, that took the fun out of making Hades mad. Instead it was making me mad.

I tried blasting a hole from the fire wall, but it didn't even make a dense in the fire wall. "Hades take the fire wall down! I'm trying to do what you asked leave training! The thing is you won't let me!" I shouted at him moving away from the fire wall.
"Brooklyn I gave you two choices! But, the second one was a joke. So, come over here so I can teach you to listen to me. When I ask you the first time." Hades replied livid that me of all people wasn't listening to him. I usually am one of his favorite students not today thought. At this point I had walked back to where Hades was standing.
"If you want people to listen to you, tell them what you actually mean. Instead of telling them what they can't actually do." I told him with a clenched jaw.
"Brooklyn your not acting like yourself! What has gotten into?! Your usually one of my best students." Hades said losing most of the anger from his voice.  "Can I tell you away from gossiping hears? I'm sick of yelling back and further at each other." I replied with a relaxed tone.

"Yes, Brooklyn now come explain to me what the matter is." Hades requested with a demanding but confused voice. We walked over to the park before either of us talked. That brings both of us back to his question. "Hades my spells have been off, because-because Athena has left the Fire Realm. I don't even know why she left my stupid emotions got the better of me. When, I overheard Athena say she was leaving the Fire Realm my heart took over my emotions and came out with anger. If only I had been thinking clearly I would've been able to concentrate on training and spells! UGH I'm a wreck." I finished off telling Hades, I basically just spilled all my problems to him!

"Ohhhhhh! Brooklyn this is about your girlfriend leaving the Fire Realm. Ahh I understand now-" He started to say when I tried to cut him off. "Athena's not my girlfr-"Nah uh uh let me finish Brooklyn."

He replied to me trying to tell him Athena's not my girlfriend. "I can understand why you weren't able to focus. Girls are very confusing and take a lot of thought to figure out. But, that's not the point here, if you want to explain to her that you don't hate her; why not call her communicator? Then you'll have a sound mind and will probably be able to think clearly and your spells won't endanger anyone in training!" Hades explained with understanding of my situate.

How dumb am I? I could I forget that Athena has a communicator?! I could have prevented being embarrassed in front of everyone at training also, fixed things with Athena four days earlier! Athena. Athena I miss you so damn much. Suddenly, I remembered I was with Hades and he was waiting for a response.

"Hades your a genius! Thank you thank you thank you! Athena will now I don't despise her!" I said with a smile going from ear to ear, with joy spilling from my voice.

"Your welcome Brooklyn, know that I've told you this I want you to call her and be ready for training tomorrow. I don't like yelling at you so, by tomorrow I want your head cleared with my favorite student back and strong spells. Got it Brooklyn?" He questioned me with a direct voice. "Yes, by tomorrow I'll be back to normal Hades." I replied to his question. Hades smiled at me as a flaming portal appeared next to him.


I ran with flaming speed back to my dorm room. The only thing one my mind was I need to call Athena, I need to call Athena, I need to call Athena! When I got back to my dorm room I unlocked my door and sat down at my desk. Next, I pulled out my communicator and found her contacted and hit call. I heard it ring and....

Duh duh duh! I'm back my lovely readers. I'm soooooo very sorry about not updating last week, I was really busy with school. But, now I'm out of school and I should be able to update twice a week. :D The picture you see at the top of the screen is a picture of Brooklyn! I wanted to give you a image of what he looked like so there it is! Please vote, comment, and share my story. I might just update more if I get more readers. I'll seea next chapter.


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