chapter 11

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Adam ran to Mitch a kicked him some where he shouldn't have.Mitch fell to the ground moaning. Jason said "Ya, he's doing what ever he wants."Then Adam ran to the Bacca a licked him.Bacca's eyes started twitching.Then Adam ran to Mud kip and slapped him really hard.Jason started cracking up.Then he ran to him and took of his helmet and uppercut him.Then Creeper ran and splashed water on his face.Adam fainted but Creeper caught him before he fell.Bacca walked over to Adam and said "Awwwwwwwww he looks so peaceful,"then Bacca kicked him somewhere he shouldn't have.Adam woke up right away and said "WHAT THE FLUFF WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?!?!"Mitch was laughing but in pain.Then Mitch said "Ha it's funnier when it happens to someone else."Creeper stood up.Then fluffy asked "What is it?"As Creeper was walking to a door she said "We're here."There was a big door.Bigger than the first door.Then Fluff said "I'll drag Mitch if Mud kip drags Adam."Mud kip was already dragging Adam through the door.Then Fluff followed him dragging Mitch along.The floor was very very slimy and sticky.Jason flew next to Creeper and asked "If you'd like I could fly you and you wouldn't need to get your boots sticky."Creeper started to say "Ye"but before she could finish Jason picked her up and flew her on his back.Adam stood up and got in Mud kips arms like a baby being craddled.Then Bacca threw Mitch onto his sholders like a little kid.Thats when they saw torches.

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