Chapter 1 ~ The Visitors

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DISCLAIMER: Fullmetal Alchemist Belongs to Hiromu Arakawa, A 1 pictures, and Funimation; all art goes to their respected owners. This is all fan made and I don't make any money off of this. I'm just doing this for fun.

(A/N, I'm starting the story about a year and a half before they are in Leore for the first time.)

ALSO, Any votes, comments, and things of that nature are highly appreciated! And if you see this story on Quotev, no worries it's  still the same author, just on different websites! :)


Knock knock

Hmm? Who would be here at this time? You thought. Putting your violin away, you called out somewhat softly, "One moment!"

You kissed your sister's head and closed the door to her room. Once you heard the click of the handle indicating it was closed, you began to make your way to the front door. As you walked, you tried to figure out who would come all the way out to your home. Maybe tourists? You had no clue.

Just as you reached the door, you heard another knock or rather series of impatient taps against the old wood.

"Hold your horses, I'm right here," you muttered under your breath.

"Hello?" you said once the door was open.

There were two people outside. The sun was shining behind them, hitting you in the face. One of the unexpected guests was in a suit of armor, weird for nowadays. The other was a boy, or at least he was short enough to be one, with long hair for a guy that was braided and hung below his shoulders.

"Hi. Do you know where the (L/n) family lives?" said the blonde male. He appeared to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. He wearing a black outfit under a red cloak that was as long as he was.

"Uh," you started, momentarily speechless from what you saw. You weren't expecting to see... this. "Yeah, I do. Why are you looking for them?" you asked while shifting into a more defensive position. You weren't sure how you felt about a kid and an intimidating metal armor standing at your door asking for you and your sister.

"Someone with the last name of (L/n) called the military asking for some alchemists for help," the person who was wearing the armor replied. "Please understand. We mean no trouble."

"So could you tell us where they live, lady?" the short blonde one asked, somewhat impatiently.

Annoyed with the short one's tone, you answered a bit more harshly than you originally meant to."Yeah, You're looking at the (L/n)'s house right now."

You were greeted by the blonde's blank stare.

You internally sighed, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). And you are...?"

"I'm Edward Elric, and this is my little brother Alphonse Elric," Edward said.

"Hello there, may we come in?." Alphonse asked.

"Yeah, come on in. But could you try to be quiet? I just put my sister to bed," you said as you led them to the front room. "Can I get you guys anything?" you asked attempting to be a decent hostess.

"I'll have some water," Edward said, making himself at home on the couch.

"I'm okay, but thank you," replied Alphonse mindlessly.

"Mmm k," you mumbled half to yourself half to them. When I called the military for help about a month ago, this is not what I expected. Not that I should judge. You thought, as you filled up a glass of water for Edward. "Hey uh," you tried to remember his name, "Edward, do you want ice too?" you asked.

"No thanks," he replied.

"Alright then," you muttered as you filled the glass. You walked out to where the two newcomers were sitting and gave Edward the drink.

"So (Y/n), where are your parents?" Alphonse asked after you sat down.

You momentarily froze, taken off guard at the sudden change in subject. "Uhm, well, my parents just kinda. . . left. I don't really understand why. I was thirteen at the time, they left us without a word. Just kinda gone one day. My sister and I woke up one morning and they had just vanished. It wasn't all bad though, they left us with what we needed and more, they made sure we could live on our own. But I don't really understand their logic," you chuckled humorlessly.

You leaned back in the chair you were sitting in, you hadn't thought about the two of them recently. While you did miss them, you didn't feel overly connected to them any more.

"Huh. Weird." Edward muttered.

Alphonse looked to you. "They didn't tell you why they left? Not even a note or a call?"

"Not directly, no. If I had to guess, I would think that they didn't want the responsibility of my sister's handicap. Either that or- I don't know- fear of judgement? I mean, it's uncommon to run into people like my sister," you said.

"So, why did you call the military for help?" Edward asked.

"Oh, right. Well to start off this might sound bizarre but just stick with me. My sister was born too early, leading to her being disabled, in a way," you started, "she could walk if she had some support, and she could talk but it was kind of difficult to understand. She was basically like a toddler in a teenage body."

Before continuing, you looked at the brothers. You couldn't tell what Alphonse was thinking due to the armor blocking his face, and Edward looked mostly indifferent.

"But," you continued, "about a year ago that she started having seizures," you took a breath before continuing.

"She's had a few seizures before, when both my parents were still around. But they were 'normal' seizures in the sense that anyone could have them. We took her to a doctor and they told us what to do. My sister was fine for a long time, until about a year ago, when she had a seizure that was different," you took another breath and figured out how to say what happened next.

"I took her to a doctor and learned that this type of seizure was worse. I don't know the details, but I did notice changes in her behavior, like she has stopped talking for the most part, and she's started to use a wheelchair instead of walking.The first couple times it happened, there weren't any noticeable changes. But more recently, these sort of changes happened as she had the seizures more frequently," another breath.

"Anyway long story short, I wasn't getting any help from the doctors, and I'm worried about my sister, I just don't want to see her like this," you sighed. "I know that alchemy is about breaking things down and building them back up; things like equivalent exchange, conservation of mass, and so on, and I know some of alchemy, but not enough. And I thought I might get some help from professional alchemists," you said.

When you looked to the brothers, Alphonse was looking down while Edward continued to look at you. The air felt almost tense. Then you heard Edward sigh, look up at you, and start to say. "I'm sorry, bu-" but he was cut off by Alphonse covering his mouth.

"We'll see what we can do," Alphonse said. "But not tonight, it's late and we are kind of tired."

"Yeah, that reminds me," said Edward, "Could we stay here? I'm only asking because you live pretty far from town."

"Sure. I'll show you to the guest room." You said, thankful for their help. "It's this way.


Hello readers! Congrats for reading the first chapter! So the first many chapters are mainly exposition where you meet Edward and Alphonse, and get the story ready for a plot. You also get to "meet" the reader and learn her back story and, well, life. So it will probably be very anti-climatic, BUT the story will eventually kick off. It may just take a while.

Anyway, thank you for reading as for as you have. And I really hope you enjoy this story.

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