Chapter 10 ~A New Path

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You don't know how long you laid there.

You don't know how long you stayed hunched over. . . over her body.

You don't know how long you've been crying either. You couldn't even remember ever crying this much. As soon as you got a hold of your feelings, and as soon as you were able to take a breath, another wave of tears came. Wave, after wave, after wave, each time another flood of emotions would come and choke you in grief.

Your head was currently sodden with tears and pressed against your sister's chest, praying that you'd hear the beat of her heart once again. You couldn't accept it. You couldn't accept the fact that you lost what little family you had left.

"You have your parents," a voice in the back of your mind called, but you didn't care. They left you and your sister. You don't even remember crying when they vanished, you only remember the feeling of confusion.

But now, the only thing you could feel was misery as another cry forced it's self out into the cool morning air.


The past three days went by in a blur.

You just felt . . . empty. You didn't acknowledge what was happening half the time; you were just in a daze.

Occasionally you caught yourself considering human transmutation, yet whenever this happened images of Edward's arm and leg and Alphonse's blood seal brought you back to reality, and the fact that, no matter how much it hurt you to think it, you believed your sister wouldn't want you to do it.

Vaguely, you can recall the feeling of your violin in your hands. Vaguely, you can recall hearing the notes of a song- no- multiple songs playing one after another.

You were also more conscious when either of the two brothers made an incoming call. You knew they could tell that something was wrong, yet you had told them everything was fine. You lied to them because you were afraid that if you told them about your sister, they wouldn't come back. You were afraid that you would have to continue being alone.

You had also called Alice at one point, to tell her that she didn't have to come, to tell her to have some free time. Your sister was never mentioned directly.

In these past three days, you had been an emotional mess, crying whenever you thought of your sister. By the second day, you began to feel pathetic; you began to feel that your inability to control your emotions was just pitiful. You knew your sister wouldn't want you to be like this, there were so many moments where you could almost see her shaking her head and scoffing at your behavior, only to break into a smile soon afterwards. Her eyes alight with humor and sarcasm as she rolled her eyes. But then you realized that it wasn't real.

The third night, before you fell asleep, you promised yourself that you would be strong, and continue living. Continue living for both yourself, and for her.


Knock knock

That must be them, they're back, you thought. Putting your violin away, you called out, "One moment!

You took one brief look around your sister's room and closed the door. Once you heard the click of the handle indicating it was closed, you began to make your way to the front door. As you walked, you cleared you mind, took a few deep breaths, and you began to feel a weight come off your chest. For the first time in the past three days, you were totally aware of what was happening. You were beginning to feel like yourself again.

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