Chapter 11 ~ First Day in Central

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"Man! We're going really fast!!" You were looking out the window of the train you were in. Everything near the tracks flew past so quickly that it was just a blur; it was so exhilarating, and then as you looked a little farther out, you saw the beautiful landscape. In town and around your home was a forest with the occasional meadow, but nothing like what you saw now. Looking back from where the train left the station almost an hour ago, you could see the last traces of the forest that sheltered your town. Now, when you looked just out the window, you saw a small lake with a mountain behind it. The early morning sun reflected off of the lake, and it was beautiful.

Alphonse had to say your name a few times to get your attention, "You act like you haven't ever been on a train," it sounded like he was smiling. Alphonse was sitting across from you along with a sleeping Edward.

"You're right, I haven't. This is the first time I've been on a train. Actually, come to think of it, this is also the first time I've left my home town. I think my sister would love this; watching the world go by. It would probably fascinate her." You smiled at the thought of her watching the world go by. "Sorry."

Alphonse shook his head. "Don't be, you miss her and that's understandable." You nodded and gave him your thanks.

"So, I guess that I can safely assume that you've been on trains multiple times," you asked him as you relaxed into the seat of the train.

"Yeah, many times, I think that the first time I traveled by train was when brother and I were about to start training with Mrs. Curtis," he said.

"Wasn't she the one who left you on that deserted island for a month?" He turned to look out the window, and gave a breathy laugh.

"Yeah, that was her. She was a good teacher; she was kind and caring, yet she quite talented at keeping the two of us in our place."

Both of you sat in silence as you watched the sun rise and the scenery change. At one point, you ordered some breakfast for yourself and eventually for Edward for when he woke up as well.

"Did either of us tell you about when we caught a criminal that was one the same train as us?" Alphonse asked after you finished your breakfast.

"What?! No. What happened?" That was one hell of a way to start a story. You listened closely to Alphonse as he told you about when both he and his brother helped catch a criminal who had taken a family hostage on one of the trains they had been on. Apparently it was one of the first things that Edward had done as a State Alchemist, and he wasn't even assigned to do it in the first place. Alphonse told you many things that he and his brother had done together as the train ride continued. After a few of the stories, Edward finally woke up.

"Good morning, sleepy-head," you teased him as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, the train was leaving early, and I had to get up even earlier because of that," he defended himself.

"I know, I know. By the way, I hope you're hungry ordered because I ordered you breakfast about an hour ago, so sorry if it's cold." You smiled as you watched Edward's eyes eagerly narrow on the meal in front of him.

"You bet I am! Thanks!" He dug into his meal, not seeming to mind that it had cooled down. You turned back to watching the world fly by as he ate and chatted with Alphonse. By now, the scenery had changed to having fewer trees, and more grass. Looking forward you thought you could see buildings.

"Hey Ed," you pointed to where the train was headed, "is that Central?" It looked small from where you were.

"Looks like it." You felt a surge of excitement course through you.

Are you seeing this, Sis?


"Wow! This Place Is HUGE!!!!!"

Those were your first words in the capitol of Amestris. And you can't say that you're overly fond of how blatant of a statement it was. It was huge though, and there were so many people there as well. If you looked up to try to see the top of some of the buildings, you'd have to crane your neck. It was also a nice day; the sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot. There was a light breeze that made your hair tickle your cheek. "Wow."

"So, I hope Central meets you expectation," you heard Edward mutter with lack-luster; you nodded vigorously. He was carrying a bag of his that held his clothes, and Alphonse held a few books in his hands.

"You guys should show me around!" Suddenly, you realized that you probably sounded like a child, so you took it down a notch. "Haha, sorry. I got ahead of myself. This is all just so new to me." Edward smiled, and you heard Alphonse laugh.

"No worries, it's nice to see you so care free." Alphonse said. Edward agreed with his younger brother non-verbally.

"Yeah, I guess I have been a bit up-tight lately. But I don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. Wait, do either of you have any responsibilities you need to take care of today?" Alphonse shook his head, and Edward thought for a moment before saying he was free. "Great! Then do you think you could show me around? Actually, where will we be staying? Is there a hotel here, or do you two have somewhere to return to?" You couldn't seem to keep your thoughts straight.

"One question at a time, jeez." Edward muttered. Edward had to call your name to get your attention, "We don't have a place, and we just rent out hotel rooms since that works well for us."

"Alright then, let's get hotel rooms for us and then once we're situated, you can show me around?" You couldn't help but be enthusiastic.

Edward smiled "Sure, we'll do that!"

First, the three of you went to get hotel rooms, as planned; one room for you and one room for the brothers. You wondered about why they didn't have a home of their own here in Central, but when you asked, all they said was that neither of them stayed in one place for a significant amount of time.

After you all had rooms, the brothers showed you around the city, much to your excitement. You were continuously amazed at how big the city was, unlike anything from your hometown. There were many times Edward would have to call your name a few times to get you attention. While you all were "exploring", you ate a good meal, visited different shops, and you also got a little souvenir for when you would return home, it was an exciting day for you to say the least.

After returning to the hotel and wishing the two brothers a good evening, you went to your own room and relaxed a bit. You considered playing the violin as you got ready for bed, but in the end you decided you didn't want to be disrupting to others staying at the hotel and that you should get some sleep; you had a big day tomorrow. Attempting, and failing, to stifle a yawn, you got into the nicely made bed, and thought about what was going to happen tomorrow, yet before you could think too deeply about anything, you felt the dreariness of a long day pull you to sleep.



So, this chapter turned out to be a pretty short one, but I felt that it was a good transition. Anyway, Thanks again for reading!!!

Also, I really am interested in hearing what you think of my story, so please don't be afraid to drop a comment or two. I'd love to get to talk to me readers!


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