Chapter 7 ~ Checking Out.

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"Maybe, but we aren't giving up yet. That's why I joined the military, now I have access to more modes of research. We'll find it. I'm sure of it." You could see Edward's determination, and when you looked at Alphonse, he looked like he was ready for the future too.

"I want to help," you said firmly. "I'm not sure how I can at the moment, but at the very least, I'll always support you."


"We're gonna miss the two of you," you pushed your sisters wheelchair as you walked with the brothers to the train station.

"Why bother? It's not like we're leaving for good or anything," Edward pointed out.

"That's true, but as I'm sure you've noticed, besides Alice, no-one really comes to visit us." Your sister nodded in agreement. "Plus, she's been enjoying your company, Al," you told him.

"Really? She likes it when I hang out with her?" Alphonse looked at your sister, who was smiling up at him.

"Mmm-hmm." He recalled all of the times he would try to have a conversation with her. And, as slow as they were, they were interesting enough, even if he sometimes had some trouble understanding her.

"Yeah, I think that she's been aware that you're different," you said thoughtfully. You've recently been noticing how observant your sister can be, at least, when she wanted to be. Your sister has been speaking less and less, and she seems to have less control over her body than compared to before Edward and Alphonse came knocking on your door about two weeks ago.

You blamed her seizures.

"Honestly, you surprised me at first," Alphonse said to your sister. "I didn't really know how to interact with you, but I learned pretty quickly to just treat you like you weren't different." Your sister smiled, she had considered Alphonse as a peer and enjoyed his company.


"Oh Crap!!! Come On, Al!!" Edward started to run to the train up ahead.

"Wait. Brother, you're going to the wrong one!" Alphonse called out while jerking his thumb at the train to the right, making Edward stop in his tracks.

"No, I'm not! See!" Edward pointed to the tickets, read them, and then looked up. "Never mind, you were right, Al." Edward began to walk back to the three of you looking slightly embarrassed. This entire occurrence made your sister laugh, she found the brothers heretics very funny sometimes; you were laughing too.

"You idiot," you said fondly once you stopped laughing. "You should probably get on though, don't want to miss the train." You told them after a shared moment of silence. "But make sure to call us with updates on if you find anything, or just call us whenever, it's more fun with the two of you around anyways."

"Okay, (Y/n), we'll make sure to call you often," Alphonse said seeming to smile while Edward grumbled in agreement.

"Good. Now, shoo, get on the train before it leaves," you told them as you pushed them onto the train. "We'll talk again soon!" you called out as you and your sister were ushered away from the train, as it was about to take off.

As the train departed from the station, you two waved goodbye.

"Ready to go?" you asked then turned back to your sister, who was smirking at you impishly. "Oh, shut up," you scoffed back to your sister rolling your eyes while you were at it.

~-~-~-~-~-(Time Skip)~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

"So, how's Central?" It's been a day since the two brothers left you and your sister at the train station, so Alphonse called you today.

"Good, relatively quiet, but it's nice; I miss your home though, it's really relaxing where you live," he said.

"Yeah, we have it pretty calm out here. Come to think if it, didn't you say that- what was it called-" you held the phone away from your mouth as you muttered to yourself "-was it? Oh!- didn't you say that Resembool was a more urban area too? Kind of a small town?"

"Yeah, Resembool is a lovely place, you should visit some time!" Alphonse said both fondly and enthusiastically.

"I'd love to, it sounds beautiful. So I'm guessing Ed hasn't exploded anything yet?" you joked, knowing how much he seemed to dislike Central and some of the people there, Mustang in particular.

"Hehe, not yet. Actually, today we mostly just relaxing. Big Brother would talk, but he went to get himself some food," you heard Alphonse say through the receiver.

"Well, tell him my sister and I say 'hi'. She went to sleep about thirty minutes ago, but she wanted me to tell the two of you to stay safe, Alice sends her best as well," you informed him.

"I'll tell them the message," he paused to laugh lightly, "You sound so formal on the phone, (Y/n)."

"I do? Well, sorry about that. I guess I'm just not used to talking on the phone very often. Since I don't really talk to that many people." You laughed, "I should really be a bit more social, huh?"

"Whatever works for you," he said.

"Hehe. Alright then, well have a good evening, Alphonse."

"You too, (Y/n). Goodnight"



Hello Everyone!!

Sorry that this chapter was shorter than normal, I've been busy with school and fighting sickness, so yeah.....

ALSO, I've been getting some requests for turning this story into a "Various x Reader" thing, and I was wondering what the rest of you thought of that. If that were to happen the "Various" characters would probably include Edward, Alphonse, Mustang, Ling, and maybe some of the homunculi; if you like this idea feel free to request someone else for me to put onto this list.

Thank You!


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