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Definition of Clare: A beautiful, kind hearted, yet firery sole. My dad told me my mother told him that when they were choosing my name. Only if I ever remembered my Mom. My dad told me that she died when she went on a work trip. Ok I'm pretty galable but I would still know that is just a cover up with what happened to her. something big had to of happened to her, so big no one, not even my dad would tell me. all that I have left of her is a bracelet, a blue one with flowers on it. It also had some sort of gold coin on it. I would wear it every day, like it made me fell more secure on the inside.

Me and my dad always go in our living room at night, 10 a clock to be exacted and eat fruit. I look at my dad, he gives me a sad look. "what's wrong?"he said. He seams to know exactly what I'm thinking all the time like we have some sort of connection.

I realize I'm staring and say "what do you think?" It came out harsher than I intended to but I wanted to get my point across. He looks at me and says "Why don't we play Challenge." Challenge is a game were you have to challenge the person to do something under 60 seconds. If the person fails, the person who challenged you gets to ask you any question. We came up with it when I was little and ever since we always play it.

"Ok you have to balance this strawberry on your nose." I say.

"You will never go easy on me will you!"

"Keep dreaming Pops"

I purposely make it super hard because I have been meaning to ask him a question about my mom. Usually we ask silly questions like who is your favorite singer, or would you rather have your own T.V show or have your own food brand, ect.

I count every second that pops try to put the strawberry on the tip of his noes. 1,2,3... It falls on the ground. Good sign. 15,16,17... There is no way he can do it. It falls again and when pops picked it up it left stems behind. 37,38,39,40... Ok I know he isn't going to balance it know. 58,59,60! "Yes!" I say. He rolls his eyes."I could of won you know. I just needed 10 more seconds!"

"Oh well! ready for the question?"

"By the smile on your face, I don't know, but fire away!"

Here goes nothing, I told my self. Wow, this is harder than I expected. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

"Well?" Dad says.

"Sorry! Got lost in my thought. Ok pops, here it is, tell me every thing about mom. Like the little things. What is her favorite color, how you met, what's her name, and... and.... how she died."

Silence filled the air.

I didn't dare to look at my dad. Would he answer?

"To tell you the truth pops, I have been thinking about it forever. I just want to know who mom was. I won't bother you with the topic any more, I just want a few answers. Please."

I looked up at him, for once I saw sorrow in his eyes.

" Honey, I just don't think now is the right time."

"Then when will it!?" It sounded meaner than I intended but I was really mad.

"Let me get my thoughts straight and I'll tell you in about a day. ok? Its just coming all so fast but I promise I'll tell you beginning to end about your mother."

I look at him with disbelief. A day? I bet he will tell me that a week later.

Then I run to my room, lock my door and get out my ladder from under my bed. I take the end of the ladder and tied it to the window sill. Then I threw the other end to a tree close by. Yes! I thought! It hooked to a branch. I climbed to the tree. then I looked up. ten more feet I thought to my self. I climbed about 15 branches and got to a door to my tree house. In the tree house there is chairs, food, and flash lights. I grabbed the brightest flash light I could find and flashed it 4 times at the house across the street. then I sat on the wooden floor against the wall and ate some of my favorite chips, ranch. then in 5 minuets I herd knocking on the tree in the rhythm of the A,B,C's. I toss down a ladder and then after a minuet I see my best friend at the front of the tree house.

"Hi Eve!"

"No time to talk. 4 flashes? What did you do know?"

" I talked to my dad. that's what happened." I tell Eve.

"Well what did you say?"

I start telling her what happened. The more I tell her the better I fell. I finally Finished.

"So that's what happened. Happy now?"

"No! that's terrible! this can ruin your father daughter relationship!" Eve said.

"Your way to dramatic!" I say.

"No! Your to dramatic!"


"Shouldn't we be telling Oliver about this?"

Oh Oliver. He was my crush since I was a little kid. Now we are best friends, nothing more. Not even Eve knows I like him. Oh well.

"Your right i'll call him." I said


At the house next to me I flash the light 4 times. we wait for five minuets and then we hear some foot steps coming to the tree.

"Why didn't he knock on the tree?" Eve said. we both get up and look out of the tree house.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" We both scream. At the bottom of the tree there was a terrifying monster looking up at us.

"What's wrong honey?" The monster hissed. "Come down. Please, there is nothing to be afraid of."


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