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What is going on! Who is that? Or what is that! I hate to say this but I'm kinda scared. I'm not brave or heroic, I'm a girl who will cry over having a fight with her Dad. I mean it happens to other kids and do I see them crying or making a big deal over it? no I don't. I'm to soft. I need to learn to be on my own.

"Wh-who are you?" Oliver stuttered.

" It doesn't doesn't matter. your going to be going anyway."

"Where are we going?" I asked

"The market"

"The market?" we all say at once

"I've said to much, Master will be mad. Well see you there! good night."

"I am not going to-"

And just like like I fell asleep.

I woke up and I look around me. I fell like I'm moving back and forth. The floor is wood and there is cupboards with fish bate over them. It's nice to breath nice fresh air than the air in the cave, but the air is salty. We must be on a boat. this can't be good. I look around me and I see Oliver and Eve still sleeping. I crawl to the door and put my ear on it. I hear the same voice that was talking to us in the cave.

"I'm sorry okay!" He said

"You told them where they are going! A sorry won't make up for that!" A strange deep voice replayed.

"All I know is that the girl with the blonde hair, well she is the daughter of Jerry Wallence. So if she is going to the market we will get rich!"

"I like your thinking but does she know about who she is yet?" Said the strange deep voice

"Ha! That's the best part! She doesn't know anything about her self! So-"

"So, she doesn't know what she can do! But is she the one?"

"What one?" said the guy who was in the cave with us

"The one,"he lowered his voice "with the bracelet."

"Oh I think she does! I haven't really checked, but she is still should be out cold so if it is I will slip it off of her wrist. I'll go now."

Oh no! I thought to my self. I quickly run back to wear I was sleeping and I took off my bracelet. Wear should I put it? I thought to my self. I tucked it in the heal of my sock. and then I played dead (or um sleep?)

I heard a person walking in the room. the creaking of the wood got closer and closer. He lifted my arm up and then lifted the other arm up.

"Ah! wear did it go?" he mumbled to his self. Then he sighed. "There it is!" I must of not of tucked the bracelet far enough in my sock!

He slid it out and he walked out out of the room.

My bracelet is gone, I thought.


Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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