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Ok this is weird. Yesterday a donkey monster attacked me, my dad is keeping strange secrets from me, and I fell asleep in my bed and woke up in a cave. It like my whole world turned upside down. I want to get it right side up again but I don't think it's possible.

My whole body is weak and every time I move I feel a sharp pain. So I just stare at the ceiling. What to do, I thought. Have I been kidnaped? Is the people who kidnaped me, Oliver, and Eve staring right at us, waiting for us to wake up so we can fall into some trap of theirs? Or did they put us in a cave with nothing but a candle and leave us stranded here? Also why us? I don't mean to sound rude to my Friends but we aren't special, we are just some normal ordinary kids. Or had my dad been keeping a secret of who I am to? If we were even special why haven't they kidnapped us before? why now?

Stop, I tell my self. I need to get us out of this cave. But do they know I'm awake? Well I guess I will just have to find out my self. I start to mumble words that don't even make sense to me. I have told by my dad that I talk in my sleep but could never make out the words that I was saying.

I stop mumbling to see if anyone or anything would say anything. I hear a small snicker coming from my far left. So the creature of some sorts must be right by Eve. The order goes from kidnaper, Eve, Oliver, and then me, in a row.

Who ever is there laughing at my mumbling is going to pay for kidnapping me and my friends. I am going to do the stupidest or bravest thing I've done. It takes me at least 15 seconds to get me siting up. Once I do I see dots coming from my eyes. I am blind for five seconds (this always happens when I get up in the morning)

When I can finally can see I look around me. where is that person/monster? I nudge Oliver. he woke up out of breath and a little yelp.

"Oh it's just you."


"What?" then he looked around

"Oh my! Where are we!?"

" You just noticed?"

"Hey I just had a very stressful dream of that monster chasing me! give me some slack!"

"Oliver, I had that same dream!"

"Dreams don't matter right now! Why are we here?"

"Someone or something must have kidnapped us. why don't you wake up Eve."


When Eve woke up she screamed (for the second time) "don't eat me! oh... did I pass out again?"

"Um I'm not sure what happened to us." I said


"Look around you" I said

"What is going on! where are we!"

"That took you a long time to notice..." Oliver said

"Ya I you knew right away!"

"Sorry it's just that it was still kinda shocked from my dream. the monster that made me pass out was chasing me. that's it. it was pretty weird!" Eve said

Me and Oliver stare at each other.

"Hello? earth to Clare and Oliver?"

"Me, you, and Oliver had the same dream."

"Why does all the weird things happen to us!" Eve replied

"Thats why your here. Your one of them. When they know you know the whole situation will change. From now your life will never be the same." I turn around and see a tall shadowy figure. ***************************************

Cliff hanger!

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