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I look at the monster staring up at me with its big sharp, scary, eyes. this didn't look like any monster. When you saw it talk you would see fangs, one leg was bronze and the other leg looked like a donkey leg. The hair looked like flames and the skin was as white as a vanilla Sunday.

Wait! I must be dreaming! There is no such thing as a vampire, donkey, monster! I pinched my self.


Nope not dreaming. This is bad. This is really bad. I look at Eve. She is breathing really heavily.

"Eve, it's ok. Breath. Ok?"

" No no no no no. The room..."


"The room is getting darker..." she said breathing heavier than before.

"No! Not now stay with me! you are not going to pass out now!" I said

"Too late" and she fell on the floor.

"Wait are you waiting for? You come down or I climb up! Chose quickly!" The vampire donkey said.

I look around. what to do I thought. well just refer it to a good game of challenge. I only got a minuet to get out of here. The time is going fast so I need to think fast.

She doesn't look armed, I thought. but then I glance down to it's hand. For a second I saw a regular hand with painted nails but then I blink hard. I she claws the size as a pair of scissors. Yes, she can defiantly hurt me. Ok I can do this. I don't have any weapons so i'll just have to use trickery.

"Fine!" I said with a fake sob. "you got me! But I'm too sacred to move. I can't stop shacking!!" then I put on the best cry I can. Loud and annoying.

"Shut up you pathetic human! I'm climbing up!"

Then I scramble. I get a rope. I was right about to climb but then I noticed that Eve was still laying on the ground. I let out another sob to let the donkey monster know I wasn't just delaying. I get another rope and put Eve on my back like I'm giving her a piggy back ride. then I take the rope and tie it around me and her so she doesn't fall off me.

Then I hear the monster getting closer up the tree. About ten more branches and she would be at the treehouse.


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