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When we got down the tree I look around. No proof that there was a crazy monster attacking me. How am I going to tell my Dad? 'oh ya so there was this donkey robot monster that made Eve faint and chased me up the roof. Also whacked it with a big stick and disappeared!' Yep he will totally believe that.

I glance over to Oliver, who was helping Eve down the tree and giving her more water.

"Why didn't you come at the first signal?" I said

"I didn't see it the first time. I saw Eve come over but you didn't give me the signal right after so I thought it was a girl thing or whatever."

I roll my eyes "girl things? Fine your off the hook because you came the second time when we were actually in danger. Now let's bring Eve back to her house..." then I thought,

"Oliver, what are we going to say to her mother?"

"Uh oh! Ummmm... hey I don't know, maybe the TRUTH?!"

"You think Eve's mom is going to believe us? she thought we were lying when we went to get ice cream after school!"

"Ya well we have to give it a try!"

I sigh "I guess your right."

Then Oliver said "why don't we get your dad."

"Well now isn't the time. That's why I called you and Eve over."

Then I told him about what happened and glanced down at Eve once in a while who was laying on the ground, asleep.

"Come on Clare, I know things with your dad isn't exactly great, but he would know what to do even if he thinks we are weirdos. Okay?"

"Fine," i told him "weirdos forever." I slip a small grin out of my mouth. weirdos forever, together.

Then I carried Eve's head and back and Oliver held the rest of her body into my house. Once we got in my house we put her on the small couch. I went to the bathroom and got some wet wash cloths to wash off our faces from the mud and dirt. When I came back Eve was awake and talking to my Dad. then when they noticed me they went mute. then my dad said "Clare are you okay?" and was going in for a hug, but I pushed him away. "why would you care? If you cared you would tell me because it had been bothering me for months!"

"Honey, listen-"

"No! don't u honey me! Your just going to say 'maybe another time!' or ' not right now'. Just stop with the excuses!"


"Why don't you start being a good, normal dad! Ah!" Then I run up to my room. I close my door behind me and put my chair under my door knob. I lean against my door and hear "I should probably go talk to her," my dad says. "She needs some time to cool off why don't I check on her?" Says Oliver. "Okay, I will give Eve some ambrosia-"


"I mean medicine"

"Umm okay." Oliver sounded confused. I wouldn't blame him though. Ambrosia? I have been at the pharmacy tons of times before and I have never seen the medicine 'ambrosia' before. How much secrets has my dad hid from me?

Then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. it's Oliver. I wipe my eyes and I hear a knock on my door. "Yes?" I hear my little and weak voice. I shouldn't sound like this. I should sound confident and independent, but the truth is I'm unsure of my self and I need my friends by my side. I'm a coward.

"Can you remove the chair?"

"I don't want you to see me like this." Embarrassing to say but true.

"Can we talk through the door then?"

"I guess"

"You should forgive your dad."

Holding my anger in I ask "Why is that?"

"Because I have a feeling he has been through a lot in the past. He must just still be going though it or is still in shock of what happened. Maybe he doesn't want to bring all of the pressure and trouble to you and have you handle it."

I consider it for a moment. I open the door a little.

"But when will he tell me? I just don't like the idea of keeping secrets from each other. You know?"

"Ya I do, but he trusts you. I know he will tell you, he just needs time to process. You trust him right?"

"Ya I guess so."

"Hey you know that we all trust our little group. you know, me, you, and Eve. that's the whole reason that we came up with the system of flashing lights."

Then I say "but I fell like a coward, I am a coward. I was too scared to even face that monster. I needed a rescue because I wasn't brave enough to fight it or it out of that mess. I just ran away."

" Are you kidding me? You were so brave. You managed to delay the monster with a person who fainted on your back. You were ready for action. All I did was throw a stick, if you call that heroic."

He pauses for a second and puts his hand through the opening of the door so I could grab it. I held it.

Then Oliver said "If you need to talk, don't hesitate to call me over or anything, okay?"

I pull open the door and hug him. how could I have a better group of friends. they will always be there for me, and I know that.

I whisper "thank you."


Well there you go! sorry if that was really slow or anything. also sorry I didn't update in a while.

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