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I rolled over in bed, a smile on my lips. The night I had spent with Klaus roaming around Bourbon street was perfect. He was a perfect gentleman to me, and it felt like we were back to being something in each other lives, not quite anything romantic, but there was no more resenting hatred. It was nice to be in his company again. To have him close to lean on his shoulder, his smell was familiar, and it reminded me of a time when I was at peace with myself. I laid like this in a dream state in bed, pushing the time that I wanted to get up later and later. I had such a nice time painting fantasies in my head, that I didn't care about what was going on in the real world around me. It felt nice to lye in a soft bed, not like the hard casket I had been locked up in for 30 years. I stretched my arms out wide along the bed feeling my spine crack all the way up releasing any tension I had built over the night. Letting out a deep exhale, I choose to finally open my eyes.

The sun filled the room and greeted me with its warmth. I rolled over to the side, to find Klaus sitting in a chair in the corner with a mug in his hand, watching me intently.

"KLAUS" I yell grabbing all the sheets within my reach to pull them close to me. Feeling naked, exposed, how long had he been watching me?

"My love I just came in to give you this coffee, but I was so blown away by your beauty in the morning that I had to sit and stare." He says as he walks over to me bringing the mug to my bed.

I was still so shocked, I rubbed my eyes a couple times to clear the picture before me. "Klaus a knock will suffice, you cant just come into my room and watch me sleep," I say taking the mug out of his hands and bringing it up to my lips.

I take a long inhale through my nose smelling the bold flavors of the coffee, he knew how I liked it still simply black.

"It won't happen again, I promise." He says smiling, his smile almost looked like he was mocking me, but I didn't question it, as I took a sip of the coffee Klaus sits on my bed next to me.

I could hear the light chirp of birds outsides, as I rested the mug to my lips. "Whats on the agenda for today?" I ask,

"We are moving you into the French Quarter if you would like. I would like to have you closer to me then in this house in the countryside."
"Why did you bring me here before?"
"I wasn't sure as to what to expect when you awoke, I wanted you to adjust at your own time, in your own space." I scoffed at this, "my own space" was violated pretty often with him watching me sleep.

"I also wanted to keep you away from any harm, do you remember why you came to New Orleans 30 years ago, why Marcel would have put you into the box?"

This question had been on my mind since I had woken up, what were my last memories, why was I here, and why did Marcel think he was doing me justice by putting me away?

Anytime I tried to think about it though I would have a massive headache and couldn't concentrate on any of the details.

I chalked it up to being blood deprived but now, a couple days later it should come back to me.

"Honestly Klaus, I don't know why I was here, I cant remember much of what lead me to this place its all a blur."

"I understand that Sara, and take your time to remember, but I will want answers." He says putting his hand on mine. He sounded a bit threatening with his choice of words, I know he was always protective of his family, and now with a baby in the works he's probably in hypersensitive mode. I understand he would want to cross out any threats before the baby was born.

"Care to tell me how you managed to get someone pregnant?" I asked him curious to know how a vampire was able to reproduce, as this had never been done before.

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