Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A couple days pass, I moved from the house I was staying at into my room in the Courtyard. Rebekah took me out shopping updating me on all the new styles, electronics, and many other things. Now with a closet filled with modern designer clothes, and this new Iphone 5 I am now up to date with all the 21st century has to offer me.

I walked around the courtyard, becoming familiar with my surroundings. As I walked around for about ten minutes I stumbled upon the kitchen. Any food I wanted was there, even though I drink blood to keep me alive, I still do enjoy food. Looking around I stumbled onto a jar of Nutella. Getting a spoon I dipped it in and brought it to my mouth. The taste was absolutely amazing could not believe I lived life before without this. Toasting some bread, I decided to make some extra food for Hayley, because she is still in bed resting.

With some bagels with nutella, freshly squeezed orange juice, and some crispy bacon, I made my way to Hayleys room. Knocking lightly on the door I heard her answer "Come in."

Walking in I saw she looked a lot better, she sat up on her bed reading some old looking book, her belly quite big with the baby inside. "I come bearing food." I said with a smile holding out the plate to her. Hunger flashed through her eyes.

"I am starving thank you so much." she said with a huge grin.

I sat on the side of her bed as she ate, we talked about how delicious Nutella was, and about the baby. "So whats that you're reading?" I ask as I point to the book she laid beside her bed.

"Oh that, its my family's history." She replied as she stuffed some bacon in her mouth.

"Wow looks pretty old, Elijah mentioned something to me about your family being cursed?" I asked.

"Yes they were, by Elijah ex, talk about jealousy." She said with a laugh. "Thankfully I was able to fix everything and now its all better." She went on to tell me more about her family's past, and how she planned to raise her child.

After talking and laughing for nearly two hours I began to warm up to Hayley, telling her about my past with the Mikelsons.

Then came a knocking at the door, as Elijah walked in. Looking from him to her, I stood up "Well I will leave you two alone, it was nice talking to you Hayley." I said with a smile as I left she thanked me for the food once again.

Walking out of the room I accidentally bumped into someone. Large hands went around my waist to steady me, "Sorry about that, Sara." Marcel said as he flashed his white teeth in a smile. Looking down at his hands, he quickly removed them from my waist.

"So I was just looking for you." He said smiling, "I need to talk to you about some things."

"Going to shove me in a box again?" I asked jokingly with a slight cut.

"Haha as long as your a good girl and play well." He says smiling as he leads me into a room that seems to be an old parlor.

Sitting down on the comfy red velvet couch Marcel offers me a drink. "Whats your poison?" He asks.

"Can I have some whiskey and ice." I say

"Sure thing."

He hands me the glass, as he sits down next to me sipping his own.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask

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