Chapter 15

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I woke up abruptly to Hope crying. I quickly jumped out of bed, took her out of the crib, and into my arms. I notice she needed a new diaper, and went ahead to change it. Last night, I skipped out with our play toy Dan. I let Rebekah take him to bed, I just used him as a snack as she used him as something much more. I picked up once hope was clean, taking her into my arms, over to the kitchen.

There I saw Dan cooking, faced away from me holding a pan in one hand and cracking an egg with the other. Looking from behind I could clearly see the bite marks all down his neck, they weren't covered up with bandages, nor were they big bleeding gashes.

"You are still here?" I say to him as I balance Hope on my hip. I didnt mean for it to come out rudely, but it did. He didn't look like he cared though.

"Thought I would make you lovely girls some of my legendary omelets." He said looking over his shoulder to me with his boyish smile again. Rebekah came out of her room wearing the bed sheet as a very fashionable dress. I don't know how she does it, she made me want to go grab my bed sheets and wear it around town like a high fashion dress. She sat down at the kitchen island, Dan slid her a plate, and she began to eat.

"You missed out." she said to me between mouthfuls. "Dan has the tongue of a frenchman, to say the least."

My face goes red, and I hear Dan laugh. I tried my best to cover Hopes ears and give Rebekah a nasty look. I really don't think baby Hope needed to know that, I think to myself as I grab a bottle from the fridge.

"Ah he has your brothers touch then." I say with a big smirk on my face. Rebekah looks at me wide eyed and mouth dropped. I just laughed to myself as I place Hope in her feeding chair.

I give Hope the bottle and sit down on a chair beside her. Dan also slides me a plate, and I start to eat. Dan and Rebekah were flirting with little giggles and sharing their food. In the corner of my eye I could see them sneaking kisses and feeding each other. It made me sick seeing them be all stupid and cute.

I was completely distant at breakfast, completely lost in my mind, deeply thinking, considering where I was and how my life stood right now. Rebekah, and Dan's chatting was just soft white noise to me as I decided to contemplate the world my thoughts and what the hell I was going to do next.

In these kind of moments, I would usually pour myself a tall glass of wine, put a slow blues inspired record on the turn table, and sit alone. Back then I was often alone. I didn't mind it, I was very sure of my self, very independent, I knew what I wanted how to get it, and no one would, or could, come in my way. I didn't seek the company of a stranger for a night, I was never into that. Lending something so precious as my body to someone I hardly knew, no, I was not a fan.

Infact sex in it self was something I really only shared for my lovers, and thats how I thought it should stay. Now I didn't care about what my friends did under the sheets, obviously like Rebekah and Dan, she can do whatever she wants, I just think this is the way for me. Now call me prude if you want, but I just think its something much too personal to give to just anyone.

Now Klaus and I, it was a powerful, passionate love. I gave myself to him, I gave everything to him, he was in fact was my first, and looking back I would never change that. It was such a special bond between us. Our passion linked us, sometimes frightening how much we loved each other. We would often fight about one of us not doing enough, or one of us putting ourselves in harm. These fight usually became violent throwing things breaking things, me hitting him, but he never dared to hit me.

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