Chapter 11 part 2

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Chapter 11 part 2

We checked everywhere the quarter, the church, the graveyard, the outskirts of town, and even the out out skirts. It wouldn't make much of a difference if I had my phone on me. I highly doubt in Klaus's bit of rage he is cautiously looking at his phone.

The first thing on our agenda is to find the baby, but we have no idea where to even start looking.  Finding Elijah might be a good start but chances of running into him is slim.

What we really need is a witch to use some form of a locator spells to find everything and everyone.

As Rebekah and I wandered the streets for which seemed the millionth time, every thing started to look the same. Cobble stones stained in blood, electrical wires split with sparks shooting out from them everyone in a while. The smell of dead corpses rotted the streets, and an on going fire continued to burn houses to the ground. The poor historical and musically Enriched city now was a blood bathed horror.  Coming across a store with dim lights shining through a broken window, we decided to see if anyone was in there. Walking closer to the store A little flickering white candles lit the window seal. Walking into the store a greeting chime welcoming us inside. I walked through the aisle of herbs and garnishes, quickly realizing that this must have been a witches shop. The smell of sweet sage was floating through the air, this peace of harmony was a nice break from the chaos outside.

"These candles look like they were lit not to long ago, whoever lit them must be around here somewhere." Rebekah said to me in a slight whisper, as we continued to walk through the store.

Walking to the main part of the shop I noticed a back room behind the counter. I signaled for Rebekah to follow, as I walked towards the beaded door. Slowly separating the beads with my hands to walk inside I noticed that the back room consisted of more newly lit candles. Nothing was on the ground, in fact the room itself was just empty. Taking a couple more steps inside I tripped on something.

Crashing to the ground I looked around me. I had just fallen into the middle of a witches seounce.

About six witches sat around me in a circle. It looked like they were trying to do some kind of cloaking spell until I came crashing in. I managed to sputter out a sorry, not sure if they were against or with us, us as in vampires. Amongst the witches was a familiar face. Davina got up from her spot and gave me a big hug.

"Sara, where have you been, we have been trying to do a locator spell on you for the last couple of days." She says in the tight embrace. I really like this young girl she was much more mature than any person her age. She ended the hug by going over to Rebekah and hugging her as well.

"So where have you been?" she asks me sitting back down, it looked to me that these witches would be on our side. As I told the group of witches about the past couple of days I felt the pang of loneliness from not knowing where Klaus was. I told them all about Hayles death, Marcel and Camille, and this traveler thing that was inside of me.

Once I finished I realized that the witches were looking at me strangely. I was confused to why until one of the older looking witches spoke up. "Do you know what it means to be inhabited by a traveler?" she asked with the strange look on her face. I shook my head "no" for her to explain.

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