Chapter 4 - Doctor's P.O.V

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Chapter 4 - Doctor's P.O.V (Picture Of The Master/Harold Saxon)

Time and space and Gallifrey, my beautiful home that was gone. The times i spent with the Master playing as children in his father land before everything bad doesn't that mean anything to him. Why was he doing this?. More importantly what will he do next?.  I could sense things in the air something bad was coming and it's going to bring darkness with it. It also reeked of the Master.

The warehouse was still and silently as no wanted to say anything about the Master in-case the upset Martha and Jack was finding us a way to the Valiant.

"But he’s got a TARDIS.  Maybe the Master went back in time and has been living here for decade"Jack said as he turned away from his laptop.

"No"I said.

"Why not? Worked for me"Jack said.

"When he was stealing the TARDIS, the only thing I could do was fuse the coordinates.  I locked them permanently.."I said.  As my mind drifted back to when i used the sonic on the TARDIS console making it spark, it was the only option "..He can only travel between the year 100 trillion and the last place the TARDIS landed.  Which is right here, right now".

"Yeah, but a little leeway?"Jack asked.

"Well…18 months, tops.  The most he could have been here is 18 months.  So how has he managed all this?  The Master was always sort of…hypnotic but this is on a massive scale"I said.

"I was gonna vote for him"Martha blurted out

"Really?"I asked.

"Well, it was before I even met you.  And I liked him"Martha said.

"Me too"Jack said.

"Not me, he seemed to strange and not real"Electra aid. 

"Why do you say that?  What was his policy?  What did he stand for?"I asked.

I dunno.  He always sounded, good.."Martha said, and then she started to tap her fingers "..Like you could trust him.  Just nice.  He spoke about…I can’t really remember, but it was good.  Just the sound of his voice"Martha said, dreamy.

"What’s that?"I asked, referring to hands.

What?"Martha asked, startled.

"That!.."I shouted pointing at her hands which had stop tapping "..That tapping, that rhythm!  What are you doing?"I asked.

"I dunno.  It’s nothing.  It’s j—  I dunno!"Martha said. I heard the a tune play on the laptop. The Master was broadcasting all over Britain.

"Our lord and master is speaking to his kingdom"I said, as i switched on the laptop to a tv station. On the screen was the Master or should i say Harold Saxon. It must be the Cabinet room i have been in there, i could tell by the ornate fireplace.

"Britain, Britain, Britain.  What extraordinary times we’ve had.  Just a few years ago, this world was so small.  And then they came, out of the unknown, falling from the skies. You’ve seen it happen, Big Ben destroyed, a spaceship over London. All those ghosts and metal men. The Christmas star that came to kill.  Time and time again the government told you nothing.  Well not me.  Not Harold Saxon.  Because my purpose here today is to tell you this citizens of Great Britain…I have been contacted.  A message, for humanity, from beyond the stars"The Master said.

Two flashed behind the Master and sphere objects where there. The was just bigger than a human head and the colour of silver and different patterns all over it. In all my years of space and time travel i have never seen them.

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