Chapter 13 - Electra's/Martha's P.O.V

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Chapter 13 - Electra's P.O.V

I stood at the back in silence and my hand was gripped tightly to Lupus for support i was looking at my Dad who was st in the same spot he aways is in silence just glaring at the Master i could fell my eyes stinging threatening to spill.

I feel like falling to the ground and curling in a ball and crying my eyes out for Dad..for the dying earth..for just the sake of crying.

They was almost ready to spill when i saw the Master face at the front i stood looking at him but i couldn't stand to look at him i looked around the room too see Uncle Jack chained up ad two armed guards beside him...and Martha's family petrified in the coroner of the Master he wasn't so nice to them.

Lupus was gripping my hand tighter i looked at his face his lips was split open and bruised black and blue his eyes were good they was black around the edges and his black eyes wasn't helping they made his eyes look even more bruised-

"Earth and Humans.."The Master voice shouted making me jump and look at hm he was stood on the steps looking at the camera pointing at him he smirked down on it.."..It is your Master hear i wanted to talk to about the all so famous Martha Jonas..."He said and ow he looked at the camera as he was talking to Martha and Martha only "..I heard you wanted to kill to me i see that as threat but i want you to let you know that i can hurt you without even toughing you"He said and then Dad was hauled up and pushed towards the Master he held out his Sonic Laser i felt a familiar scene coming on.

"Let's see i aged you last time about 100 years how about..."he said and then he started to flip through the buttons then he stopped and smiled evil at the Doctor 200 hundred"he said and then he pointed it at Dad and Dad started to scream and squirm and in fast past side to side to making my head hurt then Dd began to shrink and shrink till the Doctor body be no longer be seen.

The Sonic Laser cut off i could just see the messy of Dads clothes crumpled on the floor i couldn't speak or move..i kept thinking Dad car'nt be dead..not he car'nt be..MY Dad the THE DOCTOR.

"Doctor?"The Master said and then clothes began to wiggle and something popped from the collar it was Dad but he was small and wrinkle brown skin but he still had his eyes they was large deep brown eyes, The Master looked shocked at the Doctor before looking deep into the camera.."...take that as a warning Martha Jonas"he said and switched the camera off.

I stood staring at Dad he was there a tiny old wrinkle guy he looked at me i saw he sit looked detriment to get out of this i didn't know how or why he was nearly dead how can he still de detriment-

I lost my thought and eye contact with Dad as i was pushed out of the room and away from Dad and the Master who continued you to stare at the Doctor surprised he was alive i just hope Martha hasn't given up hope yet.

I haven't yet and i don't think Lupus has ever and what ever my Dad plan is i think it was going to happen today or tomorrow and i need to be ready....

Martha's P.O.V

"Take that as a warning Martha Jonas"The Master said and switched the camera off i stood still staring at the screen hoping to see the Doctor face again but i saw him shrink and disappear i knew he wasn't dead i knew the Master was cruel but he would never kill him they was a bond between them no matter how cruel and how much the hated each other they never kill each other..

But i had to do what the Doctor told me to the rest of the world was depending me my name was around the world saying i was going to kill the Master and some was true i wanted to kill the Master for his crimes killing my home planted, taking my family and friends but i would never kill man....

(Martha is Hiding in the house)

"Quick hide her.."A women's voice shouted and i was pushed down on the steps coats were piled on me to hide me but it couldn't;t hide me from him.

The Master he was outside he found me he was there talking on earth soil just outside the door my heart was beating in my chest fast.

"Ohh Martha..come out Martha Jonas"The Master voice sent through chis through ti could sense everyone was tense around me the women hid me further my heart pounded faster in my heart "...Martha comes out or I'll come in"He said to me and i froze i couldn't let him come in he will kill all these people that have looked after me and made me safe i wouldn't wish any one to death.

I got up and flung the coasts of me and made m way down the crowed steps ignoring the comment telling me to come back i made m way to the door where Tom was with a gun looking out the post box i touched his shoulder he lo9oked at me with his bright blue eyes.

He was the guy that took me from France and brought me hear he was a good man a Doctor he was tall and muscle and short black hair and bright blue eyes with high check bones he was a good looking man and his real name was Thomas Milligan and if i met him and the world was'nt in danger i would be with him.

He stood up and looked at me he knew what i had to and nothing was going to stop me not even him.

"Martha you car'nt"He said to me his voice was desperate even though i have only know him about a da he cared about me.

"Tom i have to f i don't he will come in hear and kill everyone.."I said to him and he deep into my eyes hoping he would see dermintaion but i was scared to scared to say, he nodded his head i knowing and moved to the side.

I gripped to the door lock tight and twisted slowly and walked out of the door it was night and silent i could see guards around me held guns and there stood din his glory the Master.

He hadn't changed not one bit his eyes still as cold as ever and his face still had that cocky grin to him and that mad look to him ,his posture showed that he knew things and was the leader of this plant.

"Ah..Martha you decide to join me...ah not to far"He said to me and i stooped not far from him and he held sonic read to fire me i waited for the impact and then...

Tom came out screaming in rage holding the gun ready to aim at the Master he was stupid a bullet will hurt him and regenerate and the Master simple hit him with the Sonic Laser he dropped to the floor dead i stood looking at him i wanted to cry but i must to show him my fears but i felt my heart drop but Tom's death but i just looked at the Master.

"Ahh..such a pity"he said looking at Tom's dead body and then back to me "..the bag"he said to me and then i took it off and slung it to him he blow it up straight away and then i waited he was going to kill me now i had nothing else left to do "..It will b fun to kill you but..."he said to me and his grin widened at me "...killing you in front of the Doctor will be better"He said to me.

I didn't show an emotion but inside of grinning for Time Lords and he was supposed to be smart and yet he has fallen straight into the Doctors plan....

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