Chapter Seven

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I would have thought that Damon Salvatore would have given up on trying to "Woo" me, but I was wrong. Often times he would deny Katerina or push her away; that caused her to hate me even more than she already did. It was amusing actually, to see the look on her face whenever he would instantly go to me whenever I walked into the room. She would often shoot daggers at me with her eyes; as long as she didn't threaten or attack me, I didn't mind.

Saharah and I have been staying here for about a few months now, she was just glad that she wouldn't have to hear Niklaus and I fighting so much anymore. Damon had left for the Confederacy a month or so ago, leaving me with the hate-filled Katerina and her compelled companion, Stefan. It seemed as if they were plotting my death or something just by the way that they whisper whenever I walk into the room but then stops.

It was another normal day; Giuseppe and Stefan had taken Saharah for a walk. Geez, sometimes Giuseppe treated Saharah like a dog. It was just Katerina and I in the empty house. I was in the living room when Katerina walked in and stood directly in front of me; this should be good.

"What would you like, Katerina?" I said as politely as I could.

"How many times have I told you not to address me as Katerina? It's Katherine!" She growled, but it was clear that she wasn't here to argue with me over that.

"I couldn't care less what you've told me to do; I live by my own rules. Now what do you want?" I replied a bit harsher.

"Damon sent a letter last night, stating that he was returning home soon; and I just want to set some ground rules. Damon's mine. You will stay away from my Damon. And if you fail to do so, I will rip that pathetic little heart of yours straight from your chest. Or perhaps I'll get Damon to stake you instead." She growled at me, stepping way to close for my liking.

I growled lowly at her, not in the mood to correct her that I couldn't be killed, looking dangerously up at her. She seemed quite frightened by the way I looked at her, but she stood her ground none the less. She was a stupid girl. In an instant I had her pinned to a wall, my teeth bared and my hand grasping her beating heart; reluctantly keeping it in her chest.

"If you ever, threaten me again, I will make sure your death is a rather unpleasant one!" I growled in a overly menacing voice, I could tell the veins under my eyes were black; if Mother hadn't locked off my Werewolf side, my eyes would have been yellow as well.

"Do we understand each other?" I growled again, squeezing her heart with more force than intended.

Katerina looked absolutely piss-your-pants-kind-of terrified. Her eyes were wide with fright and she was gasping from the pain and such. She was well aware of how easily I could end her existence here and now; I smiled ruthlessly at her, causing her to be even more frightened. Reluctantly, I let go of her racing heart and pulled my hand out of her chest.

"Now get out of my sight before I change my mind." I snarled.

Instantly she was gone; out of the room. In fact, out of the house as well. The house was completely empty. Another day I would have found it peaceful, another day when my level of adrenaline and annoyance wasn't so far up; now, I found it extremely eerie. I began to sing, just to fill the silence; as I sang, I cleaned.

I thought back to what Katerina had said, not the threatening part, but the part where she said that Damon would be returning soon. See had warned me to stay away from him. Even though he was infatuated by me, she had claimed him to be hers. She expected me to stay away from Damon after she threaten to kill me if I don't? There was no way that I am going to let Katerina have Damon now.

Challenge accepted...

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