Chapter Eight

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It was the very next day that Damon returned. I had been sitting on the porch, when I had seen a figure off in the distance approaching the house. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was him. I had began running toward him, holding my skirt up so I wouldn't trip. I ran into his open arms and he spun me around by the waist, while I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He chuckled slightly as he set me down.

"Miss me?" He smirked, looking down at me.

I nodded looking up at him, giggle softly myself. He embraced me tightly and I gladly hugged him back; I may have convinced myself that I was pretending but it was hard not to enjoy his scent as it washed over me. He pulled away from me, I was about to complain but he had already pressed his lips to mine. I had an instinct to pull away, but I didn't want to; instead I kissed him back. After a moment, he pulled away too soon.

"I'm sorry, I've just wanted to do that for the last few months now..." He said trailing off as I shhed him.

I brought my lips to his again, loving the way it felt. I heard a few being starting to approach us; one obviously being Katerina because I heard a low hiss that was so low that only I could hear it. So it was obviously meant for me; I guess she forgot my little threat from yesterday. Either that or she's chosen to ignore since there's witnesses around.

Not that that would have stopped me. Except for the fact that I was still kissing one of them.

"Damon!" Guiseppe's voice barked, not far behind us.

I reluctantly ripped my lips from his and turned to Giuseppe. He was glaring coldly at his son.

"What are you doing here, my boy," I flinched once he said My Boy, it reminded me too much of my own father; actually he was never my father. But it still reminded me of him; Mikael. "You should be with the Confederacy." Giuseppe said, in a disappointed tone.

"I came home early so I could spend more time with Lady Nakytta." Damon replied.

I felt myself start to blush, so I looked to the ground. I could feel two pairs of eyes boring into me, one is obvious Katerina, two was Giuseppe. Stefan was just happy to see his brother alive. I was too, considering he was only Human and he could have been easily killed. That's what I hated about Humans, they were so fragile. Marcellus's had been fragile, my brother almost killed him a one point; Damon too, was fragile.

"You are a disgrace to this family, Damon." His father hissed before walking away.

Damon looked stunned for a moment, but quickly contained himself. He gave a hard glare at his father's back before proceeding to walk to the house. Katerina and Stefan tried to capture his attention but he just brushed them off; even when I tried he ignored me. I started to worry about him. Does it have something to do with his Father's disapproval? Personally, I couldn't care less what me Father ever thought of me; but I guess it's a bit of a different situation.


The very next day Damon seemed like he had thrown the whole thing behind him, because when I woke up this morning he was sitting at the end of my bed smiling like an idiot. I had laughed and threw a pillow at him, glad he was okay but it was sort of creepy that he was in my bedchamber.

"Well you look happy." I laughed as he threw the pillow back at me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He replied with a grin.

I shrug, "I haven't a clue Mr. Salvatore."

It was clear he just wanted to forget the whole incident with his father, and I didn't blame him for it. I remember when Mikael use to pick on me, I found it better when nobody brought it up; its worse for Damon though since Giuseppe is his real father, whereas Mikael was not.

I crawled over to him and sat of his lap, "So~"

"So..." He repeated holding me tight, gazing into my eyes with a grin plastered on his face.

I giggled, for no reason at all. Possibly because of the light awkwardness and unanswered questions that hung in the air, most because of me. I found that we were both leaning in for a kiss, a solid solution for the density in the air. Only to be interrupted by someone purposely clearing their thoat.

We both looked to the doorway and saw Katerina. I smirked at the expression about her face. It was a tad bit of a scowl with a hint of hatred toward me. It was the most amusing thing to see.

"Yes Katerina?" I said innocently.

She glared at me before replying, "Mr. Giuseppe Salvatore has requested to see Damon." She spoke with a lottle pride.

I sniggered at her for being like a messenger boy, it made it all more entertaining. I, to Katerina's infuriment, slowly got off of Damon's lap and straightened myself up. Damon nodded and followed her out, after she shot another glare at me. I laughed once alone, knowing that she could still hear me.

She really was pathetic.

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