Family ties

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"No. No way. No"

"Am I supposed to be offended?"

"I'm not your sister"

"Yeah you are. I would show you the DNA tests, but who's to say you'll believe me."

"I wont"

"Exactly. Now, the real purpose why you're here."

He clicked his fingers and the guy at the door came in, followed by another. They grabbed me round the arms and dragged me out of the door. I made it as hard as I could for them to carry me. They followed Moriarty through the corridor, and down some stairs. It started to get colder as we walked down. I shivered. At the bottom of the stairs, Moriarty unlocked a grey door with a hatch. He grinned at me, and then opened the hatch. The two men stuffed my hands into handcuffs and threw me on the floor.

"Well this is nice" The man kicked me. This was definitely not nice.

"Where's your mother?" Moriarty snarled.

"My mother?" I nearly laughed "I'm an orphan dumb brain. You're an orphan."

"No, you're not. Our mother is still alive. Where is she?"

"I don't know! I didn't even know she was alive!" The man punched me in the stomach, making me hunch over. He slammed my head back against the wall, my eyesight started to go fuzzy.

"Tell me and this will all be over."

"I don't know!" My nose was bleeding, hot blood pouring down my face and onto the clean white nightgown.

"Let me tell you something. Your dear mother owes me something, she owes me her life. You see."


"Because she said that she'd protect our family, when I was 15, you were 3, she promised me that my father would be safe, that you would be safe. She swore on her life."

"Safe from what?"


My eyes widened- could what he was saying be true? It all seemed to make sense, to click inside my brain.

"Jane, I tried to kill you many times. That mark you have on your hip? The one in the shape of a smile? That was me. I tried to burn you. The one on your shoulder, like a 'J'? I tried to stab you." He laughed

How could he know about my scars?I though they were birthmarks.

"And then our father died. But not by my hand."

"What happened?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"Our mother happened. I was busy upstairs thinking of how to kill a boy at my school, you were down there with them. I heard her screaming insults, you were crying. Our father had just got back from prison, and he'd been there for a year. I ran downstairs and she was there, with a club in her hand. He was dead. I could tell she had hit you as well. When she saw me, she grabbed you and left. I've never seen her since. I been searching for her for nearly 20 years. Of course, I've kept myself busy."
He giggled like he was remembering something funny. I cringed, remembering when Sherlock had said about him being the most dangerous man I'd ever meet. His idea of funny... well, lets just say it wouldn't be nice.

"How come it took so long?" I said and was punched.

"Some people kept me busy. Mr Sherlock Holmes. Also, your dear mother changed her name, or so it looks like."

"So it's now that I've found you. Oh I've missed you little sister." He hissed in my hear and I turned to spit in his face." He snarled and wiped his eye, in turn I was slapped.

"Now, I'll ask again. Where is she?"

"I don't know!" punch "I don't even know her name!" kick

"Samantha Moriarty."

things rushed through my mind, I think I must have blacked out. Memories and childhood nightmares flew around my head.

"Hey he could be related to Mrs Mo, her full name is Samantha Moriarty"

Mrs Mo giving me presents when I was ill

Mrs Mo only remembering my birthday, out of the 23 other orphans

The fact that I was her favourite

The fact that I hated her.

I opened my eyes to find a face in my face.

"I can tell you know who she is now, so tell me. Where is she?!"

True, I hated Mrs Mo, but if she really was my mother, I was never going to give her up to my psychopath brother.

I didn't say a word. I was punched and kicked and beaten until I couldn't feel anything. I was thrown back into the room and onto the floor. I didn't have any strength to move onto the bed so I stayed there. Until I spotted something. A ventilation hatch. I shuffled under the bed slightly and reached out to it. It opened as soon as I touched it.

A grin spread across my face.

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