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I decided not to talk to my old friends, it would bring too many memories. Instead I decided to lie upside down on Sherlock's chair and plait my hair. Mary sat across from me, the gun rested on her massive bump, a book in her hand. She seemed totally at ease with the thought of using it. How could I be so panicked about the thought of someone rushing through the door. I wasn't really worried for myself, I could handle it. I knew Mary knew how to take care of herself, so I wasn't worried about her. I was worried about her baby.

I decide to make small talk to get my mind off it.

"So... when are you due?" Mary looked up from her book and shot me a confused look (I was still upside down) and then smiled.

"A few weeks" She smiled. She will make a great mother.

"That's great! Girl or boy?"

"It's going to be a surprise." Her face seemed to light up at the prospect o being a mother.

I turned the right way round, accidentally hitting a bruise on my lower rib. Owiee.

"You'll make a great mother Mary." She smile at me, and I could tell he knew I was telling the truth. "And John will make a great father." She nodded, agreeing.

"Why do you think that?"

I was a bit taken back by the comment, but replied anyway.

"Well, He's protective. He's kind, and sweet. And he's had enough practise."

Mary raised an eyebrow.

"On Sherlock."

She burst out laughing. I frowned, it wasn't that funny. She grinned at me.

"You know, Sherlock said pretty much the same thing at our wedding."

"Really?" I smiled and started laughing with her. She excused herself and went to the toilet. I sat back down again. But my eye caught on the clock. I needed to take a tablet, like quick.

I searched my pockets, they were gone. I ran about frantically, looking for one of the little red things. I felt my lungs start to get heavier, and a wave of pain attacked me, sending me to the floor. I gasped in pain, and struggled to get up.

I couldn't find the tablets. I searched everywhere, a lot slower than I would have liked, my lungs ached, and I was finding it hard to breathe.

I curled up into a ball, giving up. Mary would be out soon.

"Looking for these?" I opened my eyes, but even that hurt.

It was my mother, standing there, holding the pills in her hand.

"Give- me-" I rasped, but it was barely audible.

"Nah." She tossed the packet out of the open window.

There goes my only lifeline.

Come on Mary, Please.

"I don't want to kill you anymore" My mother snarled, crouching next to me. She placed one hand on my shivering head, and grabbed a handful of my hair.

"I just want to take you somewhere."

She's working for Vladamir

"You- work- Vladamir-"

"Yes." She yanked me up, but I could no longer feel my legs. She threw me against the bookshelf behind John's chair. Books tumbled down around me, but I couldn't move- the pain was too overwhelming. I looked up at her, she grinned evilly at me. I felt something whack really hard against my head and I nearly passed out, I felt a sharp corner dig into my forehead. It was a book. It cut my forehead, and eye brow. (That's some serious paper cut).

Mary must have heard the commotion because she came running out of the bathroom.

"Jane are you-?" She gasped when she saw my mother. Her face turned from shocked to mad. I didn't think she could see me, I was hidden by John's chair. Speaking of which, Oh the arm of John's chair, was Mary's phone. Mary was now having a hand to hand combat with Mrs Mo, she was good- despite being pregnant. I could barely breathe. With each inch that my hand moved towards the phone, the pain in my chest increased, but I somehow managed to get it. I dialed 999.

"Hello this is the emergency line how may I help you?"

"Someone's trying to kill me." I wheezed into the phone.

"Ok, I'll send some officers and an ambulance, to which address?"

"221b Baker Street" I choked up. The lady on the other side hang up the phone. I found John's contact and rang him.

In the back ground, I heard my mother scream. She toppled backwards out of the window. I could barely see it happen. Her gun found its way towards Mary and Fired.


Mary toppled backwards onto the floor.

"Mary?" John's voice was panicked

"John." I could barely hear my own voice. I was shaking, tears streamed silently down my face.

"Jane? are you ok? Wheres Mary?"

"John come quickly please. Please hurry. I've phoned an ambulance but-" I groaned.

"Jane are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Its not me. Its Mary."

I dropped the phone on the floor and was attacked by another wave of pain and a coughing fit. I whimpered, but I could't make my way towards Mary. I willed myself to move, but I couldn't feel my body. I wouldn't fall unconscious either. It was a never ending cycle of not being able to stop or help.

It was just a matter of time before one of us died, and I was worried it was already too late.

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