Press and Private Schools

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We stopped at a cafe on the way home. I grabbed a sandwich and offered Sherlock one. He declined. When I asked him why, he mummbled about having eaten yesterday and not eating when he was working. I shrugged and bought myself a chocolate bar instead.

"pill." Sherlock said as we jumped into another cab. I nodded and swallowed one of the godamn red things. I hated how vulnerable they made me, how easy it would be to hurt me. I was my own method of torture.

I'm such a happy person.

When we got out of the cab outside 221b, there was a surprise waiting for us.

A sea of newsreporters with cameras and pens surrounded the door. Ms Hudson, John and Mary were peeking out of the top window on them. As the cab pulled up, they swarmed round the doors, Sherlock had to force the door open. When we got out, we were immediatley attacked by questions. I got seperated from Sherlock, I couldn't even see the door. I couldn't see anything. I'm really small ok?

Questions were yelled in my ear, camera's flashed in my face. I saw an opening and ran for it, only to see Sherlock making his way inside, and myself knock against a big beefy guy in black. He had no camera or notepad.

As I fell to the ground, landing on my hand and jarring my elbow, he turned, growling. When he saw my face he grinned and pulled me up roughly. I wrestled my arm free, but he pulled me through the sea of reporters. I scremed out, lots of the reporters giving me strange looks and still bombarding me with questions.

"You're working with Vladamir." I growled at him, kicking with my feet. He didn't flinch, but he turned to grin at me.

Suddenly, I felt more gentle hands pulling me back wards, and out of the beefy thug's grip. I made a run for the door, not stopping to see who had saved me. I ran inside 221b, as the door was wide open. Sherlock was stood in the hallway, waiting.

"What took you so long?" I slammed the door and looked at him with confusion.I thought he'd saved me from the guy.

"I was nearly kidnapped by one of Vladamir's thugs." I growled, storming up the stairs. I caught a glimpse of Sherlock's outraged face as I walked up the stairs. I smirked.

"How did you get away?" He said, sitting down in her chair and picking up a laptop. He completely ignored Mary, John and Ms Hudson. I sat on the couch.

"I thought it was you, some random person saved me. I ran off before I saw their face." Sherlock shook his head at me.

"Be more careful." He turned his attention to the screen. Mary sat down next to me. My phone bleeped and I took it out. It was from my brother.

Be more careful. I don't appreciate having to save you from kidnappers every day.

That was you?


Sherlock called me over. I peered at the laptop screen, it was the BentWorth Academy website. Sherlock clicked on the past members of the exchange programme. Turns out it had only run once. He scrolled down to find the names of students, and the exchange students they'd been paired with. It wasn't long before we found something.

Vladamir Drakov's smiling face grinned up at us from the screen. Next to him was-

"That's Moriarty." John pointed out

"Yep." sherlock popped his 'p'. He seemed to know it got on my nerves.

"Why did it stop?" I asked sitting in a chair.

Sherlock sighed "that's where what we need to find out." He got up "I'm going to find out more about the programme."

John followed him. "how?"

"I know one of the students that was on exchange."

"Who?" I made my way up but Sherlock stopped me.

"You're staying here."

"Why?" I demanded

"Because there's too much of a risk you getting kidnapped again."

I sighed and flopped back down.

"Ok." John said. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a revolver. he pressed it into Mary's hand "you two stay here."

I nodded. They left in silence. As soon as the door was shut I groaned.

"Do you know how to use that?" I asked Mary "Cuz I don't"

She seemed reluctant to tell me.


Mary got up to use the toilet and I decided to use the laptop to talk to some of my old friends. I stopped as I saw the screen.

Underneath the picture of my brother and Vladamir, there was a picture of someone I recognised.

It was Lestrade.

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