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I imagine doctor Mortimer played by Christopher Eccleston, but if you don't want to see him like that then you can imagine him however you like :)

I woke to the sound of a heart monitor.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a white hospital. I sT up, tubes were wired around me, one was taped into my arm.

I pulled it out and swung my feet off the bed. When I stood, I was in a lot less pain than yesterday, but still wobbly.

The doors behind me banged open.

"Jane!" It was Lestrade "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here." I mumbled. He placed two hands on my shoulders and steered me back to the bed.

"You can go in a bit but the doctor has to tell you some things first." He looked down "Then you have to come with me, you were arrested remember?"

"No, Lestrade you have to believe me. Please."

"I'm sorry Jane. Sherlock has never been wrong on any case he's worked on with me. If I don't take you in then he'll go to someone else."

"But I would never,"

"I know. Listen, I have to go. The doctors will be through in a second and then you'll be taken to the police station." He smiled apologetically and left.

"Hi I'm doctor Mortimer." A voice said from behind me.

I turned to see a nice looking man in a lab coat. I smiled at him.


"So, you can leave in a bit but we just have to run over your injuries and medical procedures you're going to have to take over the course of 4 weeks, is that ok?"

I nodded.

"Fantastic!" He grinned "So, you had some bad, but not too severe, damage to your ribs and lungs, but we've given you some medication that will help with that. These" he held up a bag of tiny red pills "you have to take one every three hours for 2 weeks, then 2 a day for one week. Come back after to get a check up." He made his way out.

Another man walked in , he was wearing a mask so I could just see his eyes, but I would have recognised that face anywhere.

"You!" I cried scrambling back on the bed. "How did you find me?"

"No need to be so rude sis" Jim Moriarty said, pulling down his mask and grinning at me.

"Get out."


"I escaped, leave me alone."

"No, you didn't escape"

"Yes I did!" I protested

"No, do you think that I, a genius criminal mastermind that faked his death, killed millions of people, and baffled Sherlock Holmes, would let you escape?"

"I..." I was shocked. I'd never thought that it would have been his plan for me to escape.

"See? Now do you wish we'd done this the easy way? You're going to go to prison for a long time for working with me. And there's nothing you can do to stop me finding your mother. Mrs Mo."

I think I must have gasped because he started laughing like a maniac. As soon as he'd walked out the door Leatrade came in the other, a huge smile on his face.

"Good news!"He said sitting next to me. "You've been bailed!"

"What?" I said, gobsmacked

"Yeah! By an unknown person."

I grinned. "So I can go home?"

"Sure." He said "Just take these and get changed." He handed me some leggings and a massive NASA tshirt. "They're from the hospital, they're spares."

I took the clothes. "Thank you for saving me earlier."

"Earlier?" Lestrade said "You've been out for three days."

"Woah." I stood up "Well, thanks anyway." I turned to leave.


"Yeah?" I turned around

"I'll try and make Sherlock see sense."

I smiled. "Thank you."

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