Phase One Chapter Twelve

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"Bitch," Murdoc muttered in 2-D's direction as he reached for a slice of pizza they'd ordered. Unfortunately, from the scream that they'd heard, it seemed like the pizza guy didn't make it out of the alley.  Before Murdoc could take a glance out there, Genji slammed the door shut in his face and slid the locks over, put down the door bolt and put three locker locks around the bolt lock's chains. Murdoc wasn't quite sure why Genji was so paranoid beyond knowing that he was doing illegal work as a doctor; helping the gang members in the neighbourhood. As a result, they protected him from rival gangs, gave him a place to stay. Sometimes, he got rich people looking for a quick fix on the down low, too, so he wasn't doing too bad with his money situation.

Genji had been a little more solemn than usual when announcing Rose's pregnancy. "I removed the child from her already. It was small, so she must've been impregnated recently. Anywhere in the course of four weeks is probable. Seeing the amount of pain that she must've been in, it's likely she couldn't distinguish the pain of a miscarriage."

"What do you mean, removed?! Like an abortion?!" 2-D was standing up now, worry crossing his face. Murdoc almost laughed, but inside himself, he felt like a new hole appeared. The stupid blue-haired git just didn't get it, did he? 

"It was already dead. I assume some sort of blunt force ended its life. There's the shock of getting shot, but honestly, she looks like she'd been assaulted by somebody, there's a bruise forming on her lower stomach."

Murdoc's head snapped to 2-D. The git wouldn't have had the balls to do something like that, right? No, it had to be her father. But if it had been 2-D, he'd give him a beating worthy of crying about. Twice as bad as Rose had it. 

2-D glanced around the room. He should tell the truth. But the way everyone was looking at him, maybe it would just make things worse. "I... It was her dad. He came up so fast." He bit down on his lie; it didn't feel good to lie about this kind of thing, but it was better than an angry, sober Murdoc. Sober-for-two-days-in-a-row Murdoc. Possibly-the-father-Murdoc.

What was he kidding? Murdoc wouldn't give a shit about some unborn, dead kid. He was just a piss-angry drunk who liked making 2-D feel pain. But dread stirred in 2-D's heart when he realized that perhaps it wasn't Murdoc's child. Maybe it was... 

"We don't have to tell her." Russel said, quietly. This made everyone quite silent; weighed down with the weight of morals and choices. 

No, 2-d wouldn't think about that. It wasn't his. So, he nodded, fastly, his choices having been determined from the first word. For all he knew it was just some random other guy's in Rose's life. She was a slag, after all, right? His guilt was piling up. 

It seemed like the entire room had come to the decision, including Noodle. She looked absolutely heartbroken, but she glanced at Russel and nodded, what's best for Rose stuck in her heart. 

Heads turned as the pitter-patter of bare feet coming up the stairs echoed around the room. Noodle hopped off the couch as Rose came upstairs, her face looking bruised and swollen and damaged but alive. Noodle dashed into Rose, wrapping her arms around the poor girl with tightness. "Whoa, whoa, Noodle... is it normal to feel like my stomach's been pushed through a meat grinder?" She glanced at the doctor, presumably already having met him. 

Genji strolled up to Rose, patting her on the head silently. It earned him a confused look, but everyone had to shake off the solemn feeling of a lie to pile around Rose. In the end, it seemed to become a group hug, Russel and Noodle mostly, with Murdoc standing a little offwards. Rose tried to struggle away when 2-D attempted to join. "Don't touch me," She snapped.

2-D stepped away, rubbing his arm, now as far away as Murdoc was from the hugging. "I wouldn't want you to touch me either, if you put me through what she was forced to go through." 2-D felt his blood turn to ice as he thought Murdoc had known what he'd done to her. But then, he realized that he was just talking about how he'd saved his own hide rather than trying to help Rose. 

Genji simply wormed his way into the middle of the hug, pushing Rose out of the centre, which made everybody including those not in the circle feel a little awkward. "Yes," He whispered. "Mommy loves me." This made everyone step away, a little creeped out by him. "Well, guess it's time you got going now. I have a date at five. Harold should be here any minute." 

He walked to the side to pick up the same pump-shotgun and gently kissed it before running up the stairs. The sound of unlocking locks was heard as the Gorillaz, who Rose now counted herself a part of, walked up the stairs. Her fucked-up family away from her fucked-up family. 

They watched as Genji spun into the alley, his labcoat billowing behind him, pump-reloading the shotgun, steadying himself and letting out a few warning shots to let Nick know, if he was still out there, that he would die if he came near Genji. Not even a military man could survive a shotgun to the face. 

Genji waved them forwards before stopping them, entering the Winnebago to check for Nick. When he couldn't find them, he nodded them in. As Murdoc turned the Winnebago's key, 2-D and Russel sat on one end of its table while Noodle sat in Rose's lap on the other side. Rose's stomach grumbled as they pulled forwards, waving to Genji. 

"Can we go get McDonalds for breakfast?" Rose called up to the angsty driver.

"Only because you got shot. But even then, I'm not doing this every time you get shot." Every passenger of the Winnebago threw their arms up and cheered. Rose was still upset with 2-D, but seeing his smile, the anger faded away; she couldn't remain angry at him for long. She wanted to understand why he did it. Her foot touched his and he looked up at her. She could tell there was regret there. A small smile from her caused him to smile and tap her foot back. 

One thought it was an apology, while the other thought it meant full forgiveness.

Noodle's nails dug into the table of the Winnebago, rage filling her. Lying to Rose wasn't her favorite thing to do. Then again, the language barrier prevented her from telling the truth. She should've shook her head and Russel would've agreed with her. 

Russel began to drum on the table, showing Rose a certain pattern of a beat and she began to join. Noodle stood on the couch of the table, placing a foot on the table and pretending to play the guitar as she made the supporting sounds. Murdoc joined in with his low voice, mimicking his bass instrument. 

2-D joined in with the vocals. 

Together, they made beautiful music, even if it wasn't with an instrument. It was an instant cheer-up for the fucked-up family and a moment of peace as they had a five-hour drive ahead of them and a pit-stop at McDonalds.

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