Chapter twenty-six

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He looked at me coldly. I could see the physical frustration written all over his face but he was serious. Seriously serious. I gulped hard. It was either him or her. This felt like it was an easy decision. But really it wasn't. The obvious option was Austin. I've known him longer and yeah, I do sort of have a crush on him. On the other hand, there's Anamaria. And my god, she really is something. I'm such a slut.

I sighed and sat back. I lifted my head and stared at the car ceiling. Oh Lord, I really wish we could crash right now, I thought. Austin began to drive again and he put the stereo on.

The music was quiet and so were we. Not a word was uttered as the drive continued. I kept looking at Austin. He really was beautiful. I just wanted to hold him, and hug him, and kiss him. Suddenly, I was hit with a memory.

He didn't hug me, or kiss me. Or touch me or hold me. And I don't blame him.

The day I went over to Austin's because I hadn't seen him in so long. B-because we had fallen apart on me accounting to being an absolute dick. T-the day, I found out that he tried killing himself.. because of me.

I felt like I was going to cry. A tear fell from my eyes and I brushed it away instantly. Austin looked over but I turned my head. I'm being pathetic. I heard him sigh but he didn't say anything.


We had reached back to Austin's. There was absolutely no talking. The only thing looming was the inefficient awkward eye contact. I carried my suitcase while Austin took mine and his smaller bags. Luckily, Austin had two bedrooms at his place. If he didn't, then we'd have been fucked. It was about 4 in the afternoon.

We stepped into the elevator and all I could think of was that Anamaria lived in this very building. It wasn't going to help with the decision Austin gave me. I followed behind Austin to his apartment. He opened the door and took my bags from me and put them in the spare room, my room now. "Thanks.." I said, standing by the door. Nothing. He walked out and moments later I heard his door slam.

I really doubted he'd be wanting to get out of there any time soon. I walked around the room. It was nice and spacious. There was a built in wardrobe which was nice. I opened them up, they were pretty empty. There were three books at the top so I took then down to look at them. They were all photo albums. I opened the first one to see family photos, in all of which Austin was little. I smiled at them.

I opened the next one and it was another family one. Mostly photos of Austin's beautiful mother. I put it carefully to the side and opened the next one. It looked like a scrapbook. I opened it and was starstruck by what I saw.

They were pictures of Austin and I. I could tell they were printed from Austin's phone because of the size. These were at least 5 months of pictures. There were random ones from where I was at Austin's place or he was at mine. When he'd take me out to dates and when we'd randomly take a different route home etc. I cant believe he kept them all.

I lied down on the bed. I covered my face with my hands and broke into tears. I missed Austin. He may be just a few meters away but he was so emotionally far away. I couldn't help but to feel horrible. I was sick. I liked two people, I clearly like one more, but I clearly want the other one too.

Maybe I could try it out with Anamaria.. Then go to Austin if it doesn't work out? But Austin doesn't deserve to be second-best. At the instant, I wanted to see Anamaria. So that's exactly what I did. I got up and sorted myself out. I looked in the mirror on the wardrobe and made sure I looked okay. Austin wouldn't mind seeing as he's busy in his room anyway.

I left and head to Ana's floor by the stairs. Moments later, I was outside her door. I could hear faint voices and I knocked. I waited for a while but there was no answer. I knocked again and she opened. "Alan! This is a nice surprise." she smiled and welcomed me in. She was wearing a purple robe and looked as if she was tying it on as she opened the door. "Yeah, I thought I'd pop round." I mumbled. "Missed me already?" she giggled and I blushed uncomfortably. I let a hand slip through my hair and I laughed nervously.

"Come, sit." she said holding my bandaged wrist and pulling me down to her sofa. "What happened to your wrists?" she asked with a questioned look on her face. "Uh, I hurt them uh while.. training for boxing! Yeah, that." I lied. What kind of a lie was that? "You box? That's so cool." she smiled, looking interested. "Uhm yeah, I guess so haha." I smiled.

She stood up and went to her kitchen. It was like Austin's, an open kitchen. "Do you want a coffee?" she asked and I nodded. I could really do with a wake up call. "Yeah that'd be awesome. Black, no sugar please." I told her and she nodded. Soon she brought over two cups of coffee, hers and mine. She went back over to the kitchen to pick something up. "Hey, do you have aspirin or something?" I asked, my head was aching. It was minimal earlier but now it felt like my head was going to explode.

She turned around with a biscuit in her mouth and she looked quite mindless. I laughed to myself and she motioned to the room to the side which I assumed was her bedroom. I put my hand to the door knob when suddenly she looked like she remembered something. "Wait! Alan don't go in there!" she shouted but she was too late. I opened the door and there was a half naked man on the bed. I was startled and it seemed he was too as he squirmed. I stumbled back in utter shock. I looked at Ana who had a her head in her hands.

"W-what the fuck?" I asked. "Who's that?" I continued. She was red now and she looked up at me. "A-Alan," she began. "U-uhm, he's my.. B-boyfriend." What.

What the fuck? "What? Your boyfriend?" I asked in all seriousness. She nodded while looking down. "Wait, so you make me think you like me, but really you have a boyfriend?" I asked in horror. "I-I'm sorry! I-" she stuttered before I cut her off. "No, you're not getting yourself out of this one. I guess there really is a lot behind that sweetheart act of yours. You really have a lot of nerve." I shook my head and left her apartment immediately, slamming the door.

My mind was so clear right now. I cant believe people like her exist. She deserves nobody. I ran back to Austin's with a perfectly set mind. Austin gave me a spare key earlier so I was able to get in. By the looks of it, Austin was still in his room.

I walked to his door and stood outside it. Blood felt like it was rushing like waves in my head. I could barely stand on my own two feet but stood reluctantly. This could be it. I knocked on the door in a slight rhythm, as always. "Austin, open up please." I said and I could hear footsteps approaching the door.

Austin opened up and looked straight away from me. I held his wrist and walked him to his bed, sitting down. He did the same and continued to look away from me. I lifted his head to see his swollen eyes. Light tears set around his gorgeous eyes. I moved his limp brown hair from his eyes and held his hand.

"You'll never be second choice.. it's you, Austin." I said and his eyes brightened immediately. "R-really?" he mumbled through a broken voice. I nodded and smiled as I watched his eyes widened.

The moment was perfect. I put my hand to his warm cheek and pulled his face closer. Slowly, I brushed my lips against his as softly as I could. Until I pressed them harder and he returned it, easing to my gesture. I felt his hand slip through my hair the moment continued. Soon I had fallen to my back and Austin was above me. He slowly slipped his tongue into the kiss and I allowed entrance. The kiss wasn't too overpowered and slutty. It was perfect, it was soft. We made out for a while until Austin pulled away and put his head to my chest, gasping for air.

I hugged him tight. Why was I letting a stupid girl get in our way? Austin wrapped his long arms around me and soon I was captured in his warm embrace.

I loved him. I was in love with Austin Carlile.


Word count: 1562

*A/N: And that's a wrap! Thanks for all your sup- I'm kidding woah. Austlan Cashby, back my popular demand. Alan got his shit together. Thanks for all the comments, I love comments oh my God. I'm pretty fucked up, because I make this up on the spot, the storyline shocks me too. So I feel like one of you guys, that's why my replies are pretty much acting like this is just another fanfic. And ahh, 2k reads!!! Read, comment, vote. Hope you liked it! ♡*

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