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Camp-Half Blood, 3rd Person Omniscient

If one were to gaze upon Half Blood Hill three years after the sudden end to the war against Perfection, they would find a rather serene view. The strawberry fields were full of fruit, though now no longer the only plants tended to at the front of the Camp. A multi-colored field of flowers stood a ways off, circling one of the most well known places now within the camp - The stone that marked where the heroes of the war had last stood.

This particular day was the anniversary of that, a rather sad day for any within the Camp that had fought in that war.

By around noon, a man sat in a bench set within the garden of flowers, overlooking the grassy area surrounding the odd stone. He was amongst the strongest fighters in not only the war against Perfection, but also in the Giant War and the most recent Titan War. His name was Nico Di Angelo.

It was a quiet afternoon, with most campers allowed to stay in their cabins, events canceled today as they had been on this day every year since the war. Nico, though, often found more peace of mind amongst the flowers rather than within his cabins, where memories of the deceased man he had once loved still reside.

Will, along with many others, had been amongst the fatalities of the war against Perfection. Killed while attempting to take wounded off of the battlefield, Nico had been the one asked to create his shroud.

This, among other things about that war, was what Nico thought about as he sat amongst the flowers. Because of this, he was rather startled when something soft brushed against his leg.

Glancing down, he noticed that a small black cat was rubbing against his leg, as if trying to get his attention. He leaned down, petting its head. It purred contently for a moment before pawing at his leg and running towards the front of the camp, stopping before it reentered the flowers and looking back as if to see if he was following. Sighing, he stood up, picking up his sword and following the strange cat.

The cat bounded off towards Half-Blood Hill once it saw he was in fact following, stopping only when it reached Peleus, pawing the dragon's nose playfully before looking outside of the Camp. Nico walked up to the tree, though not too close to the dragon, and looked in the direction the cat was looking in, spotting two disgruntled and rather exhausted figures. One, he recognized as his friend, Leo, while the other he did not recognize was leaning on Leo.

Upon spotting Nico, Leo held up a black feather, a symbol within Camp that had learned in recent years. It meant that another new camper had made it to camp under a mysterious group that the campers had named on their own.

The Defenders of the Demigods.  

Defenders of the Demigods - A Percy Jackson Fanfiction, Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now