Chapter 12

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Reyna's House, Lia’s POV

    “Well, at least we have this down-pat for tomorrow.” Lin chuckled at me “I’m going to let myself fall into a dream now, so bye.” Next thing I knew, she disappeared from my sight as suddenly as she had came, and the dream quickly went dark afterwards.

    It didn’t, however, seem like I was waking up yet.

    I ended up in the same building, but a different area. There were new people here as well, but that “Eric” guy was still there.

    “Please, just let her go. Let them all go.” A blonde begged him. She had grey eyes, and she was looking between him and a young girl sitting in a seat beside him. The girl had similar blonde hair, but greenish eyes from what I could see.

    “Letting them go is not included in my plan for perfection. But you, Annie, are.” Eric put a hand on her cheek, something resembling sick love in his eyes.

    “L… Leave mommy alone!” The girl yelled, struggling against the ropes that bound her to the chair. Anger flashed in his eyes, and he went over to the girl, slapping her.

    “This girl and that boy will be disposed of as soon as we tempt that last one into my place. Then, my plan to make this Earth a perfect place will unfold.” He chuckled darkly to himself stopping only when a yell from outside of the room came. It sounded like someone yelling from a person named “Annabeth.”

    “That man is as chaotic as my older brother. And my youngest brother? He just cannot understand that order does not need anything chaotic! If everything is absolutely perfect, then there is no need for chaos.” Eric stopped his monologue as someone entered the room, saying something about some group causing trouble.

    “I’ll be back.” He scoffed, before walking off with the monster. Annie looked to the girl.

    “Merida, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Mommy will figure something out, ok? Everything will be ok.” She told the girl, who nodded nervously. I heard two people enter the room as the dream began to fade out, wakefulness finally reaching me.

I yawned as I began getting ready for the day.  Lin’s changes to my dream were productive, but gods they were exhausting. By the time I woke up, she was already out of the room, so I assumed she was downstairs talking it over with Nico. Fawn was doodling on a paper, so I went ahead of her with getting ready.

    Everything was going smoothly until I heard an odd yell from downstairs.

    I finished pulling on my clothes before dashing downstairs, seeing Lin come out of the downstairs bathroom with a bright red face.

    “Is… Everything ok…?” I asked cautiously.

    “Not when I get out!” I heard from the bathroom. Apparently the grumpy son of Hades was awake as well. Lin turned a deeper shade of red.

    “I… Assumed he had already used the shower, or wouldn’t till after I was out…” She muttered before running past me in embarrassment, passing a confused Reyna. I looked at her, and we shrugged at each other before I followed Lin up.

    “Hey, Lin, can I talk to you quickly?” I asked, knocking on the room she had been sleeping in.

    “Y-Yeah, sure!” Lin yelled out, obviously still embarrassed over what had happened. I opened the door before sitting beside her.

    “Listen, after you left my dream, I had another… Weird dream.” I told her. She raised her eyebrow, and I continued. “There was this blonde girl, her name was Annie or Annabeth or something, and she was in a room with Eric and a little girl named Merida that seemed to be her daughter. Do you know anything about her?” Lin froze, looking at me in confusion when I mentioned the woman’s daughter.

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