Chapter 5

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Camp Half-Blood, Lia's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I think my brain has been overloaded. Need food and water now.

Groaning, I rolled over. Remembering too late that I am in a bunk bed, which is not as big as my home bed, I found myself on the ground. Ouch.

"It's about time you woke up." I heard above me. Glancing up, I saw a bright blonde haired girl looking down at me. "You're our new sister, right?"

"Um... Guess so?" I sat up, rubbing my head. That move definitely made that headache worse.

"Nice to meet you then! Name's Herring, we'll probably see each other around a lot since we're siblings, and therefore in the same cabin... You get the gist." She offered me a hand, which I took gratefully.

"Thanks. I'm Lia, nice to meet you too." I grinned down at her, noticing she was much smaller than me now that I was standing up. Most girls are, so no surprise.

A horn sounded in the distance, and I heard rustling from a few beds as the last few siblings got up. Herring grabbed my hand, dragging me out the door without a word. I didn't bother arguing, since we were headed towards the dining pavilion.

"Lia! You're awake!" Allan ran over, clapping his hand on my other shoulder hard. Herring sighed.

"Just cause daddy's Apollo doesn't mean we have to be sunshines all the time, Allan." She muttered, letting go of my hand.

"Yeah, but it's our choice whether or not we want to be happy." We sat down at our table, some of our other groggy siblings sitting down as well as we got our food.

"So... We're all siblings then, huh? Do gods normally have a bunch of kids?" I whispered to Allan, seeing Herring get into a conversation with a guy from another table.

"Well... That depends. There's a lot of gods out there, and a lot of rules, especially recent ones with the Titan War and the Giant War and the Perfection War..." Wait, wasn't that guy named Perfection? I thought for a moment, before realizing Allan was still talking.

"... So kids of the Big Three like Nico over there are rare. There's something I heard about him even being born before the pact, not many that know about it talk about it though, especially not him." He was pointing at a kid sitting by himself at a table, the same one that had been playing with the figurines with Chiron. In fact, it looked like he was messing with them lazily now instead of eating.

"Huh." I started on my food, letting my thoughts wander.

I wonder if I'll see that cute boy from my dream again...I shook my head at my own thoughts, looking back at Allan, who was exchanging facial expressions with Warren. I smiled, continuing with eating my own food.

These meals, despite all the odd creatures and magical food, were already starting to become fairly comfortable. In fact, the entire place seemed to be growing on me rather quickly. Though the idea of practice sounded dreadful...

Suddenly, part way through the meal, some people suddenly stopped eating, staring at someone who suddenly was getting up jerkingly. As the commotion died down, it quickly became obvious why. The person standing up, a red-haired girl like me with paint splattered clothes, had glowing green eyes.

And she was walking straight towards me in a zombie like manner.

After all the weird things I had seen in the past day, I would have thought that this wouldn't creep me out. But something hit a nerve, since this definitely did not seem normal. I backed away from the girl, just as everyone else did, but she still got to me, putting her hands on my shoulders and speaking in an odd voice.

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